Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Inertia - Science Help. Very much appreciated! Australian School Certificate?

I was given this quesiton on a revision sheet.

What is inertia? How do seatbelts in cars relate to inertia?

This is my answer: is this right and would i recieve full marks for this in a [Australian] School Certificate answer]?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change to its motion.

Seatbelts in cars relate to inertia in that if you are in a moving car and the driver suddenly brakes you move forward until you hit something/ you are stopped. There is no force to stop you moving, and you resist a change in your motion [inertia] unless you are wearing a seatbelt.

Thankyou very much.Inertia - Science Help. Very much appreciated! Australian School Certificate?Your line %26quot;resist a change in your motion%26quot; covers Newton's First Law - the whole %26quot;an object at rest...%26quot; thing. That's often called the law of inertia. The purist in me doesn't really like %26quot;resist a change in motion%26quot;, but it's accurate. I think your answer is just fine.Inertia - Science Help. Very much appreciated! Australian School Certificate?I think you forgot one principle. %26quot; an object at rest stays at rest, and an object moving stays moving unless acted upon by a force%26quot;. Im not sure though.