Monday, September 19, 2011

Have you noticed that the worse thngs always seem to happen to the kindest of people ??Wouldn't u agree?

It seem so unjust people are fighting to live and to feed their families , others are grieving over loved ones who have passed ....those who have been taken from them due to ignoriant inhuman people (aka murders) Seriously you turn on the news and what do you see ......? Oh this person was shot or stabed ....this little girl or boy was kidnaped ....Its awefull and heart braking .....everything seem so unfair offense to the people who try to make this world a better place but do they really think they can fix all of the problems we have today . I don't you can put people away for stealing and murdering but there will be more can't kill of the whole race of people like that . You can't give food to the poor ...well not forever without having let something else important slip into the cracks . Really it seems like this world will never get better ...seems lie its just getting worse and harder to control . Ok well enough negitive talk ...I posted this question for a reason ....if you agree then please do something about this ....if everyone was kind and cared for eachother there would be more money ....cuz of no war costs due to peace . Our children just might be able to go to school without their parents being afraid that some sicko will hold up their school and kill them . What I am trying to say is ...Its man who mad this world the way it is ...everything we see from polution to hunger all somehow comes back to us . We need a change and a big one at that . I may be just 15 ....but I have thoughts and concerns like everyone else on this sickening planet ..and if you don't agree that we need a change and you don't truely take part in trying to make that change then well your letting it happen . Don't give up ...I know we can turn this world around and make it a great place . Yes it may take lots of time ....but still wouldn't it be worth it .

Please leave your comments ! Thank you for listening . Have a nice day .Have you noticed that the worse thngs always seem to happen to the kindest of people ??Wouldn't u agree?Well, yes I have noticed. Or at least this is my subjective experience. But the human mind is very selective. More likely we just dismiss it on a subconscious level when bad things happen to bad people, because well, we don't like them, and they got what was coming to them :)

In general, crime and accident statistics show that clearly, bad things mostly happen to bad people :)Have you noticed that the worse thngs always seem to happen to the kindest of people ??Wouldn't u agree?Yeah it all pretty much sucks. So if you start in your own neighborhood to make things better and start with the kids, that would be the best place to start. Also, if you help the kids or organizations that help them, you are less likely to be taken for a ride.

I have been one of those %26quot;nice%26quot; people who likes to help others. Well, let me just say I am learning why people don't want to help others. Very few of them truly appreciate any of your efforts. They take, take, take, and never give back and never change anything that got them in the pit of dispair to start with.

I don't mind helping others, and I hope my kids learn that it is ok sometimes, but there are so many people out there who don't want to work for anything and just want it all handed to them. That you cannot change. So if you start with the kids, there may be a future good enough to work with.Have you noticed that the worse thngs always seem to happen to the kindest of people ??Wouldn't u agree?Actually, I notice that bad things are not considered as bad when they happen to people we dislike (like bad people) than people we like (good people). I notice that ruthless people often manage better, as well.

I also wonder why you start of saying %26quot;no offense to the people who try to make this world a better place but do they really think they can fix all of the problems we have today%26quot; then finish with %26quot;Don't give up ...I know we can turn this world around and make it a great place . Yes it may take lots of time ....but still wouldn't it be worth it.%26quot; - see, confusion does not help.

And the world is actually getting better as well as worse. The welfare state to people 100 years ago would have been heaven. Do you know how many people died or suffered because they couldn't afford medical care or food, or didn't get vaccinated. There are no workhouses for poor anymore, there are child labour laws preventing you children from dying in mines, you can't legally be deprived of rights for being the wrong race (illegally is another matter, consider it a work in process). Once, racism wasn't even considered a flaw.

Yes, there's a lot of work to do, BUT a lot of it is effective - amnesty international, for example, red cross. Don't be so defeatist. Have you noticed that the worse thngs always seem to happen to the kindest of people ??Wouldn't u agree?I do agree. Not the case all the time, but it's true that most of the problems are for the ones who don't have anything to do with the issue and are innocent.

However, I don't think it's possible to turn our WORLD into a better place. It's very easy to tell people not to give up and to give everybody hope, but harder to do. You might be able to convince a town, a city, maybe even a country. But remember you got 200-something countries and it's just not possible. So many people have dreams of doing that and they can try, but maybe to keep a little realistic target would be better.

Yes, it's true that if everyone was nice and dandy then well, we wouldn't have all this. But this doesn't happen, honey. There are a thousand things you've gotta take into consideration before you can come to the conclusion that everyone CAN be kind. Religions, cultures, backgrounds, colour-not all people accept everybody.

I know I sound like a pessimist but, well...

You have a good day too :)