Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cat in the car: does your cat do this?

This is NOT a joke.

My new cat (an adopted adult) has been making a habit of jumping into my car whenever I have the door open (when the car is in the garage or driveway). Today I wanted to see how far his acceptance would go, so I deliberately opened the driver's side door and called him. He came running and jumped in, and sat down in the passenger's seat.

Then, I drove him around our subdivision (at about 20 mph) for a short while, and he loved it! He didn't meow or try to climb over the seats or get under the brake pedal or anything. He was totally relaxed. I'm surprised he didn't reach over and change the radio station.

Does anyone else have a cat who is at home riding around in a car?Cat in the car: does your cat do this?How cool!!

I would love it if my cat did this.

The car ride I took with my cat was from Chicago to Reno.

4 days.

2,000 miles.

The following is a transcript of what transpired the first full day:

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow....etc.

This was after he had a full-on freak out and chewed a whole in his nice canvas Eddie Bauer carrier, which subsequently was covered in duct tape so he had a little window to poke his furry head through.

By about day 3 he finally wore himself out and fell asleep.

Don't think it didn't cross my mind to dump him in a cornfield (a.k.a. %26quot;The entire state of Nebraska%26quot;). But we made it! And we're a stronger couple for it. :-)Cat in the car: does your cat do this?OMG, my best friends cat does the same thing!! He just jumps in and sits there. It is so funny!!! Well have fun with your cat.Cat in the car: does your cat do this?My cat does that all the time, once i left the car door open because i forgot my purse and when i went back in the car i had no idea he was in there so i drove off, i didn't notice he was in there until i was on my way back home and saw him laying down on the back seat, but i didnt mind he behaved pretty well and seemed to like going on ridesCat in the car: does your cat do this?No, my cats FREAK OUT! All cats have different personalities and likes and dislikes though, so while I am a little surprised, I'm not shocked. I'd love to have a cat like yours. Taking mine to the vet is awful, both in and out of a cat carrier.Cat in the car: does your cat do this?Aww, cute! Some times my cat will sneak in an open window of the car and lay down on the back shelf, but he hates riding in the car. As soon as it starts moving, he freaks out. You're lucky to have a cat who enjoys car rides!Cat in the car: does your cat do this?aww. I wish that my cat would do that. My cat is scared of cars and always cries whenever she is inside of one.Cat in the car: does your cat do this?WOW! I just spent a lot of time and effort training my two cats to stay out of our cars. A cat (not mine) got into the neighbours car and he locked it up and left for the weekend. The poor cat died of heat stroke. The only way my cat is getting in the car is if I'm taking it to the vets.Cat in the car: does your cat do this? funny!!!

We keep our little guy indoors, so i don't know if he deliberately would jump in the car on his own, but when we go to the vet, he either sits on my lap while i'm driving or in the passenger seat. I open the window up a bit for him and he LOVES to people watch while i'm driving. He never meows or tries to hide either.Cat in the car: does your cat do this?My cat Taz used to do that. She was my baby. She'd get in the car and sit in my lap while I drove around. She'd lean on the arm rest and look out the window at other cars. She never made any noise. It's fun to see the looks on people's faces downtown when they see you driving with a cat in your lap. %26lt;3