Monday, September 19, 2011

What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?

So, after Obama started failing right off the bat, everyone said give him 100 days. The 100 days passed, and he was still failing, so they all said give him 6 months. 6 months has no come, and he still isn't doing anything right.

So I have to ask, what will it take for those still clinging to their hope and change rallying cries and banners to realize he is not the messiah they were hoping for?

I saw an interesting study by Zogby and Rasmussen. They both showed a graph of Obama's approval rating. They broke it down by parties. They said his approval rating among Democrats was 96%. It was 54% among Independants, 53% among Libertarians, 43% among Republicans, and 23% among others. Among blacks, it is 94%, and it is 48% among all others.

Does this show how warped and dissilusioned Democrat and Black voters are that are still hoping he will show us all how wrong we are not to like him, or does it show everyone that isn't black or Democrat are the ones who don't get it?

So far, he has started to raise taxes and add taxes he promised not to. He has made a failed bailout attempt for hundreds of billions of dollars. I say failed, because it was done with the promise of saving the economy, creating jobs, and saving these businesses. Since it was done, the jobless rate continues to plummet to the lowest levels in U.S. history, these companies are still failing, and all we have to show for it is Joe Biden saying they misread the economy. Meanwhile, our tax dollars are still going to pay for bonuses and vacations for employees of bailed out companies.

What ever happened to survival of the fittest? Whatever happened to Capitalism, and letting companies fail when they ran themselves into the ground or got beat down by superior competition?

To date, nobody has said they are better off now that Obama is in office. He also still fills bills with pork, another broken campaign promise.

So I have to ask, what will it take for you to realize Obama is not the answer? The polls show it, the evidence shows it, the country failing on all fronts shows it, the Democrats overwhelmingly losing ground leading up to the midterms shows it. Why don't you get it?

I also have to ask, can you give me an answer without bashing me, mentioning Fox News, or calling me a right winger (which I'm not)?

I just pose a simple question....what will it take to make you lose hope? Can you tell me something he has done that has affected you DIRECTLY in a positive way to make your life better?

Don't bring up promises, he has shown he doesn't think much about that. And quit blaming Bush, he's not in office.What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?Obama is not the missah at all.I think that he is trying to ruin this country on purpose..if you read what he is studying it is about blacks takeing over the world..the goverment is trying to take control of everything they already took over the auto industry and now they're trying to take over health care. obama is putting us into a depression he wants to have all the controll, do you want america to be run by a dictator? and i bet you that he wont get voted out and after the next voteings he is going to change to law to you cant get voted out the second term..obama is a dirty liarWhat will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?He would have to stop being a good president.What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?Give us a true liberal who works for worker's rights, higher wages, while giving tax breaks to the small businesses so they can afford the higher wages, and I'd say **** obama.

If your option is prosperity for the rich, screw the workers, I'll say we're glad of having obama, thank you.What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?They will back him, unfortunately, until the end it seems.What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?I think that day-to-day approval ratings in the mid 50's are solid numbers. That's about the same percentage of people that voted for him. Obviously they'd come down from the 80% inauguration numbers - everyone was just happy to be done with Bush.

I don't make 6 figures - I noticed a mild tax cut in my paycheck earlier this year. I think the bank/auto bailouts have had more scrutiny under this administration than the last one.

While the number of jobs lost has increased, the rate of job loss is going down and the stock market is going up. That's indicative of recovery - though not as quickly as we all would like.

I think most of Obama's decisions have been pretty solid, but I don't think he walks on water. I'd give him a B or B+ right now.

Republicans are taking delight in his approval rating sliding a little - but you know, they haven't offered any solutions or leadership. Which is why they will lose more ground in 2012.What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?I lost hope after eight years of an incompetent, arrogant, ignorant Bush administration that squandered trillions* on an unconstitutional, immoral, illegal 'war' against another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States.

I agree with your question: %26quot;What ever happened to 'survival of the fittest'?%26quot; Why did the Bush administration think it necessary, in the waning days of Bush's Presidency, to write $8.5 TRILLION** in corporate welfare checks to businesses deemed 'too bid to fail'? Why didn't we allow those big businesses to fend for themselves?

I am appalled that Obama and his team have thought it necessary to continue throwing more money at mismanaged corporations. Apparently they believe it's the only strategy that will help revitalize the economy. I don't think so; I believe it will put our nation in the throes of its worst-ever economic depression, perhaps as early as October, 2009.

But to blame Obama for the cesspool that Bush took eight years to drown us in is unfair. Whether we like hearing it or not, Obama did - indeed - %26quot;inherit%26quot; a gargantuan mess that can't be cleaned up in six months. In fact, I personally doubt that he'll be able to clean it up in eight years in office.

The Republicans KNEW what was coming; and, I believe, that's why you so such a mediocre attempt on the part of the GOP to win last November's election. Better to let Democrats win, blame them for this pending depression, and come back strong in 2012.

I lost hope when an inane Bush administration lied to Congress, hoodwinked the American public, and conned our valiant soldiers into believing there was honorable purpose in invading Iraq. Bush made a scapegoat out of Colin Powell, having already determined to attack Iraq. Events of 09-11-01 only further served Bush's purpose. Bush had only three lame reasons to attack Iraq:

1. To 'get even' with Saddam Hussein for humiliating George H.W. Bush during Operation Desert storm in 1991;

2. To steal all of Iraq's most valuable economic resource: OIL;

3. To boost profits of a giant U.S. military-industrial complex [which Eisenhower warned us about 60 years ago], after too many unprofitable years of peace.

Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should be tried in an international court of law for crimes against humanity, and for destroying the world's economies, ALONG with:

ALL 535 members of a Republican-led Congress that stood idly by and allowed Bush run ripshod over our U.S. Constitution


ALL 535 members of a Democratic-led Congress that promised to end this vile war if elected, and then did nothing to keep that promise.

May God DAMN them all.

Bush IS to blame (along with 50 years of incompetent government leadership). But Bush's war-mongering and swaggering insolence is the primary culprit for the worldwide train wreck we find ourselves in today. Obama won't be able to make things better with a kiss on the forehead and a hug. It will take hard choices....and we will suffer a helluva lot more before things get anywhere close to being better. -RKO-What will it take for those still riding the Obama bandwagon to hit the brakes?Survival of the fittest? Since when do we start misinterpreting Darwin's Theory of Evolution with economics. Darwin never said or wrote %26quot;survival of the fittest. This looks like a right wing rant to me.
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