Monday, October 24, 2011

Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?

Its interesting to me how someone so sweet, loveing, and such a gentlemen can do what my husband does. He did show signs of anger before we got married but I just didnt think it was a problem before. After we got married he started braking things that were expensive to fix especialy because we were room renters. He started throwing things that would hit me and cause bruses. He would always say %26quot;I didnt mean to hurt you%26quot; or %26quot;I'm sorry%26quot;. He never struck me only push or throw me out of anger. We split and It devistated him and I felt like I GAVE UP and I just hate that thought. We are now back together its the same he even smokes now and does a lot of things I didnt think he would do. I admit when we were younger we both made mistakes but now I have done everything I even changed when I thought it was him who needed to. I'm so confused becasue even though I know the facts then why do I feel like if I leave I'll REGRET it? Last night I packed my stuff and went back home to my moms while he was asleep after a big fight. I texted him when I got home and went to bed. Soon after that I got a call from him and I started crying but I didnt answer it. I answered after the 3rd time he called he was again devistated, crying, and saying please come back. I couldnt take his tears so I came back. Why does it feel like Im doing something wrong?

Facts:High school sweet hearts, I'm 22 hes 20, no children, married for 2 years, known each other a total of 5 yearsYour opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?Your having growing pains, you each are growing into the adults you will someday be and it may not necessarily be in the same direction. He needs counseling for his anger issue because throwing things at you and pushing you will eventually escalate and you don't want to go there. Get some marriage counseling if you want to try and make it work. It is not easy spilling your dirty laundry to a stranger but that's their job and they won't be shocked because they have heard it all. Any relationship that started as young as yours did is going to have 'growing pains'. you are not the same person you were in high school and you won't be the same in a few more years. Sometimes it is made more difficult because you do still care and probably always will since he is a big part of your childhood history but that doesn't mean you need to stay together. The end of a relationship is like a family death part of you dies and that has to be mourned. Most problems can be worked out but sometimes a referee is needed to keep going to the same old rut, that is another thing counselors will help you do. Good luck.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?You saw the signs and ignored it. Did you think they would go away? No, that's how he really is. He was just smart enough to reel you in. Are you smart enough to get out? The choice is yours.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?he needs to go to anger management classes and the two of you need to be apart until he figures out how to control himself, you will end up being hurt - physically / emotionally if you allow this to continueYour opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?He's dangerous sweetie. Leave him and stay away. The tears are always going to be his way to try and get you back! The violence always increases, never decreases. Would you really want to end up having a child with this man?

Good luck.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?I saw signs of this before the marriage but i didn't think it was a problem. First mistake. Tell this man if he loves you to seek professional help and until then your not coming home. This isn't something he can deal with on his own and if your in the line of fire you may be the next thing he breaks.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?Get out of there now.

He was given a second chance and has blown it.Had he went to anger management and counseling,that would be different.

You can NOT change or fix him and to stay in this will NOT benefit either of you.

Sometimes you HAVE to give up on some people because there is no cure.He is one of those people.You tried to do what is right but in a marriage it takes 2.Next time do NOT ignore the warning signs in a relationship.

Now pack your crap, and leave.If he calls, you tell him you wil NOT be back until he goes to anger management and counseling and after the counselor tells you it is ok to return, THEN you will THINK about it.

If he gets mad and refuses to go, then tell him you are filing for divorce and hang up.

Give him a few weeks and if he goes to therapy, then give it another shot if you wish,but personally,I would cal it quits at this point before he kills you.If you have any kids by this guy any time soon, you will be tied to him forever, right now you can make a clean break.

Part of your fear is that you may not find anyone else.If he found you attractive enough to marry, someone else will too.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?This can be very serious stuff. In my opinion, no woman should ever put up with being hit, be it by a fist or by things he's thrown. I would urge you to stay away. If things get worse or you want someone to talk to, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?you are in an abusive relationship. how many times has he apologized or turned on the waterworks and you went back? he knows that's all he has to do after something to make you come back again. if he was sorry he would have fixed the problem. counseling? if he's against it he knows something is wrong and he's in denial. you need to get out, i know you love him and want to help, but he can only help himself at this point. if he's not willing to try to make things better for you then why are you willing to try to make things better for him. i has to go both ways.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?You have a long history and that makes it harder. That means you may not have had much experience with others who you had to dump for one reason or another and that makes it harder. You have given him your heart and that overrides your common sense. Your common sense got you out of there but your heart pulls you back in because you feel that you have something to do with what is wrong and you don't want to be alone either, something you have never experienced as an adult. Your head is telling you what is right your emotions override those thoughts. You are not responsible for his happiness only yours. And I would get out before his anger gets away from him and he does something that will really harm you, he may not mean to but once damage is done that doesn't undo it.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?i How to leave someone who has a anger problem is wait till hes out a t work or somewhere get ur family and friends t move u out fast and dont look back -

He is blackmailing u why are u asting ur life with this loser ur 22 u should be out having fun not putting up with this load of ****

Hes physco hes immature hes a manipulator and hes nuts run very fast dont look back dont give him anymore chances and even get a restraining order DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE BEGS BLACKMAILS CRIES SAYS HES SORRY ____ HES A SICK PERSON WHO NEEDS PROFESSIONAL HELP

if u have a child with this man will that be the next thing he abuses _ he doesnt love you, this is not love and u are not his keeper

if a friend of urs came to u and told u this about their man what advise would u give her then take ur own advise and leave the cretin - change ur cell number change ur phone number sont answeer his calls - eventually he will ind another victim for his manipulationg waysYour opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?He is abusive and as so common with abusers, manipulative...leave before he kills you. I know this sounds drastic, but you do not want to become another statistic....leave. Why would you regret not being hit?Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?I'm divorcing my wife of 17 years because I met someone else. I realise now how angry she is all the time, how self-pitying and pathetic she is, and how she takes it out on our children. Even then, EVEN THEN I wanted and want to go back. I just want the stability, the knowing that someone is there, even if that someone will break the bedroom door if I leave my underpants on the floor. It's wrong. It's abuse.

People do not change often, if at all.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?He might have inherited the anger genes. Or might be abusing alchohol or drugs. Or may be characteristic. He has some hidden helplessness in his mind.Try to understand and help him. If his parents are available, they are a good source of help. Find out the root cause. You both are very young. It is the mutual attraction which u believe is Love, allows to reunite. Financial stability is a must for life. If he is not earning he may behave like this.

It is up to U to adjust and continue or give up and go away.Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?People have anger when they are harboring inner pain. You don't even need to do anything and he can trip off line and be very, very angry. He is filled with pain. It is usually from family-of-origin stuff that is way beyond you.

He needs counseling to bring this to the surface for he does not have to tools to fix himself and you obviously, do not. You can get certain books to come to understand him (and yourself) which is certainly cheaper than counseling. It's all there before you. Where do you think the counselor got the wisdom?

You do not know what it is to be a wife until you are one. Now that you're in the fire - how do you get out? That's the point. It's how to deal with this stuff and STAY in the fire. This is what you are called to when you said %26quot;I do%26quot;. This is why you are filled with guilt. You said you would and you can't. Guess what? You can. You just need to go back to school.

Hit the books...........Your opinion on leaving someone with an anger problem?that is easy the answer is yes until he faceses the problem and get it handeled he can be dangerois,,,