i kinda rushed this song did not really think about how i can improve it but i know i can but
i want to get other peoples opinion's before i change it
I am tired of your excuses all of your lies
and putting my life aside
you always get your way i never get a say
Its like your the king and i the girl that falls
and you swore
You'd never hurt me
You'd never brake my heart
that you loved me right from the start
now i dont know who you are...Anymore
Ok thats all i have to go so i will add more tomrrow please tell me what you really think and what i should work on cuz i found bits i should fix but i am not in the mood right now
Ok thanks everybodyIs my Song good or not?It sounds really awesome ! And I can already hear the melody !
Sounds like a really good power ballad to me.
Keep up the good work !Is my Song good or not?well i have no idea how it goes lyrically its ok not great u should lean how to spell better if you make a vocal clip of you singing it and link us here i would love to hear it and mayb mix some beats and guitar for uIs my Song good or not?not bad... hard to tell really the singing makes the song you could say the bird bird bird the bird is the word and have a hit.... if you sing it good :P sounds good though good job :PIs my Song good or not?Not really. You have grammar and spelling issues, and you cannot tell whether a song is good or not through it's lyrics only.
In addition, it's very stumbling, and thirteen a dozen.