This person constantly screem and yeals at me when he feels like it ,and ridulise me infront of others,etc..He said he will change but his actually getting worst .Should I brake up with him,and how..
p.s English is my second lenguage,so please excuse my spelling and thanks in advance for your help.How to stay away from an unpredictable person ?Honey, please, dump that jerk right now, he's verbally abusive, doesn't respect you, he'll beat the hell out of you very soon, this is coming.
Why do you put up with his crap?. Please, dump him, tell him to stay away from you, be firm, don't answer his phone calls, I guess your self esteem is low otherwise you'd not accept to be treated like trash by that guy. You deserve a man who loves, respect you, treat you kindly, not a jerk full of hate for women.
I wish you good luck !