Thursday, June 2, 2011

While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?

It is common these days to see news stories about how to save fuel by changing your driving habbits. One of the main ways is to %26quot;avoid rapid starts and stops.%26quot; I can see why rapid starts require more energy, but how does stopping the car briskly also use more energy?

Whether the car's momentum is lost through friction with the air and engine, or through friction with the brake pads, I can't see how it would make any difference.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?Fuel consumption rises rapidly the faster you go, so if you take your foot off the accelerator well before you need to stop, instead of braking sharply, you'll save gas, not to mention saving wear and tear on the engine, transmission, brakes and tyres.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?Avoiding braking rapidly does not improve fuel efficiency, thy just chuck it in there cause it reduces tyre and brake pad wear. Saving you money anyway.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?As far as 'braking' is concerned, anticipating the traffic patterns ahead means that you won't be doing hard braking. Therefore it's not the hard braking that's a concern, it the idiotic (wasted) acceleration, only to jam on your brakes seconds later. Any amount of breaking means that you spent the gas to get up to that speed, only to be 'wasted' when you apply the brakes.

I've heard competing thoughts about accelerating. One camp says to get up to 45 mph, as soon as possible. Other groups say slow and easy all the time.

... You decide.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?accelleration uses fuel! rapid accelleration wastes fuel

because it is not being used efficiently. rapid stoping

wastes the fuel used to get the speed. better to ease

off and coast to a stop or as near to it as is practical.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?very simple when you drive fast and brake you change the kinetic energy into heat from the brake .but if you just go with a single speed no energy is changed to brake heat.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?The only way I can see that this would save fuel is that if you brake less severely you can maintain the cars momentum, and therefore use less fuel regaining your cruising speed. It only works for corners not for obstacles or emergencies..While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?High gear and low speed is a golden rule for fuel efficiency.While driving, how does avoiding hard braking improve fuel efficiency?A modern fuel-injected engine gets about the same fuel economy whether you accelerate rapidly or not. But when you floor the accelerator in an old gas-guzzler, it squirts a stream of raw fuel into the carburetor, spending a lot of gas for just a little more power. There, gradual acceleration made a big difference.

If you're driving attentively, you see that the light ahead has turned red. You conserve fuel by taking your foot off the gas and coasting, rather than continuing at a steady speed and then braking hard because you then need to stop quickly. You've covered that distance without expending more fuel.
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