First of all i would like to say that this is only a theory a philosophical theory and has in no way been proved to be true its all subjective as all philosophy is. What I want from you Is you opinion do you think this would work and solve your problems in life? If not then why? And what is your own philosophy
how do we fix problems?
Take this example lets say you are trying to approach a woman intending on dating her and you cant seem to pull it off every time you approach a woman you compliment her on her looks admire her personality but she just doesn’t seem to be interested in you and you don’t know why. you intend to fix this problem but you don’t know what you are doing wrong
personally i think this should be the way to fix any problem
first of course we identify the problem which in this particular situation it is “persuading a woman to get on a date”
then we take the problem and brake it into smaller components like for example
1 the approach
2 the subject of conversation
3 the type of woman being spoken too
4 your looks and fashion choice
ect ect ect, when in this phase of problem solving one should write as many components that come to mind think of every possible thing that can effect the outcome of the situation however indirect it may be
then we grab a single component to experiment with. Now if we know that every thing in life is on a spectrum with its polar opposite being on one side of this spectrum, in other words everything has its opposite an action is the opposite of a reaction, good is the opposite of evil, chaos is the opposite of order
think of it like this
good ----------------------------------------…
a good person would be here
good -------x--------------------------------…
and evil person here
now with that understood, one should first try the complete opposite of what he is doing instead of doing the same thing over and over so you grab one of the components and do the complete opposite like this
over groomed ------------x---------------------disgus…
over groomed --------------------------------x-disgus…
then you check the results if its the same result then we come to the conclusion that the complete opposite is not the answer but that the answer is probably at a specific point within the spectrum you will have to change your behaviour and check the results continually until you reach that point if you still don’t then the problem lies in a different component or components
eventually by varying your behavior of all possible components one would have to reach successful resultsHow do we fix problems and can all problems be fixed?to fix something is to change it. you are human so you will fix it with human reason, human reason created the problem in the first place, so we as a human race cannot fix any problems.
when you get away from humanity all problems fix themselves.How do we fix problems and can all problems be fixed?There should be a brain-storming session. There are experts in this world to create and remove problems. We can invite all those experts.How do we fix problems and can all problems be fixed?The first rule of thumb is
If it works already, don't fix it,
or or will become a problem, and
if all else fails, read the instructions. %26lt;}:-})