Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?

I drive a 1999 Toyota Tacoma with ~ 45,000 miles, mostly in great shape (low miles). I just had it through the garage twice (once for oil / transmission fluid change and once for a check engine light that turned out to be air sensors). But there are two nagging issue that the mechanics have yet to identify:

When I'm at a full stop, foot resting on the brake, the brakes will let go and the car will roll forward if the radiator fan comes on or anything else begins drawing enough electricity. It seems the car doesn't have enough power to go around.

(The only other problem with the truck is that the gas pedal is a bit sticky when you try to press it sometimes. This isn't a big deal, but I'm not sure if that could be somehow related.)

Any idea how I could fix this problem? Is it possible a new battery or cleaning my batter connections may help? Thanks for your help!My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?The brakes could be a leaky check valve, faulty booster, or your master cylinder is developing problems.

Electrical is more than likely the alternator diodes.

Gas pedal problem probably requires replacing the throttle cable as it must be kinked or damaged somewhere.My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?it should still be on woranty, i would go to the dealer and tell them about all these problems, a new toyota should not have that many problems.My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?most braking systems run off engine vaccum the brake booster draws power off the intake. at a lower idle there is less vaccum in the engine. a power draw from the alternator will take more away from the engine look into power loss at the charging system then if thats not it try checking engine vaccum or check for any type of leaks in the braking system as far as the gas pedal sticking check the throttlebody see if it s carboned up often times that will cause it to stick.My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?Electrical problems are NOT related to braking system! Your master cylinder may have leaky cups,but my first guess would be the vacuum booster has a seal leak!,,:-)=My brakes sometimes lose power when at a full stop - how can I fix this?sounds like the lines might have to be bled. get the air out of them.