1.) a man and his wife go to the docters office... the man walks into the back. after 50 mins the docter walks into the waiting room with his wife and ses %26quot; your husband is gonna die unless you pamper him for a whole year...all the sports, food sex, ect. he wants, with tht he may live%26quot; the wife and her husband were driving home when the husband looks over and ses %26quot;so honey, wht did the doc. say%26quot; she looks over at him and ses %26quot;ur gonna die%26quot;
2.) a man walks into a mexican restaurant in mexico sits down right as the table next to him gets their food, it loos soo good and smells devine so when the waiter comes over he asks wht it is the waiter responds %26quot; that is the balls of the bull from the bull fight earlier%26quot; %26quot;well i want an order then, they look very delicious%26quot; sed the man %26quot;im sorry sr. there is only one a day, come back tomorrow and i will save them for you%26quot; the next day the man walks in and orders but relizes they are considerably smaller than yesterday %26quot;waiter the ones yesterday were much larger what happened?%26quot; %26quot;senor, the bull doesnt always loose%26quot;
3.) a man walks into a portapotty and gets bit on the dick by a rattlesnake...his friend who hears what happened immediatly calls the docter, the docter ses %26quot;well i wont get there for atleast 2 hours, you will have to suck out the venom...%26quot; the friend walks over to his friend and ses %26quot;the doc ses u better kiss ur *** goodbye
4.) A newly married couple were discussing their new life of living together. The male states %26quot;We should have some kind of code for when we are in bed so I know when you want to have sex. Something like... when you want to you just reach over and give me penis a tug or two.%26quot; %26quot;Well,%26quot; responds the woman, %26quot;what's the signal of I don't want to have sex?%26quot;The man replied, %26quot;In that case, just reach over and tug it 50 to 60 times.%26quot;
5.) there was 3 deer hunters went out in the woods one day. 2 smart ones and one dork. one went out for about an hour and came back with a huge deer. the second guy asked him how he got his catch. he replied found the tracks followed the tracks found the deer and killed him. the second hunter went out for an hour came back with his deer. his friends asked him how he got his . he replied %26quot;found the tracks followed the tracks found the deer and killed the deer. the third hunter (the dork) went out for an hour came back. the others asked him what happened to him. he was all bruised up he replied %26quot;i did exactly what you did...i saw the tracks, followed the tracks, and got hit by a train.%26quot;
phrases to live by
1.) The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.
2.) Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
3.) When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
4.) Every one has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
5.) a mechanic says to his custamer %26quot;I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.%26quot;
6.) Just remember - if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.A few good jokes and phrases?very funny...i gotta use those some timeA few good jokes and phrases?they make a joke section in YA. post it there not here.A few good jokes and phrases?Funny. Thanks for giving me a laugh.
=)A few good jokes and phrases?those are funny thanx