Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do you guys like my lyrics?


(VERSE 1)If we were to runaway nothing could ever stop us. We could runaway forever. Everything would disappear we could be the only people here. Everything would go away all of problems would vanish forever. Nothing would be left only the memories that would fade away.....

(CHORUS)If you ever had your heart broken you are the only one that can change that. You can leave it broken hidden being a brick wall that no one can enter. Be full of darkness hate against those who hurt you or you can just fly free like you were before your heart shatter into a million peaces you can only change that no matter if you just hide yourself and not let anyone in. your heart wants to change start all over you have no choice in what you want.....

(VERSE 2)If you ever believed in yourself no matter what. You do this on your own no matter what you do just believe in yourself believe that your the only one that can brake your own heart. If you had your heart broken more than once believe in your self and you can go and runaway with me. ....

(VERSE 3) No one really knows how much you cared . We could runaway and forget everything that went wrong. We could stop and change our lives for ever. Nothing can ever change the way you feel about a person only you canDo you guys like my lyrics?Where is the diversity? All you are doing is repeating words.Do you guys like my lyrics?Holy ****! I cannot believe I am Commenting on a question asked by Lady Gaga!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!! amazing lyricss!!!!!!!!!!!can't wait for that song to come out!!!!! I LOOOOOVEEE OYOUUUUUU... please?