Monday, November 22, 2010

How can I resist the urge to "change" him?

Okay, I'm not one who believes that you should try to change your spouse. You can't change another person, only yourself and all that jazz.

I'm trying to figure out how to ask/tell my husband not to do something without insulting him and to help us communicate better.

When he calls me, he starts off saying %26quot;We have a problem!%26quot; Then tells me the issues, but doesn't say what needs to be done or anything, unless I ask him a bunch of questions to fill in the gaps. Then he gets frustrated with me and we start arguing sometimes.

I cringe when he calls and the first thing he says %26quot;we have a problem! The brakes are going in the truck...%26quot; or whatever.

I would rather he just me what's going on and what ideas he has. It makes it easier if he says, %26quot;the brake is going, I need to bring it into the shop. When can we schedule it?%26quot;

How can I approach him and suggest that when he calls with an issue and not to start off saying %26quot;We have a problem!%26quot; and all panicky?How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?I agree with the changing issue. I just got called out by my fiance, for trying to do it to her. This instance comes down to truth. Start a conversation with him about a neutral subject and slowly start to hint towards your question. Then ask him straight up, but have a suggestion or compromise already set-up. Ask him what he would like to do and go from there. He probably doesnt know it bugs you ;)How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?Maybe he doesn't offer ideas because he doesn't have any? If he had thought it through before calling you, it wouldn't be %26quot;a problem,%26quot; it would just be a situation.

Why do you end up argueing? Just stick to yhe facts and help him work it out, he may need a sounding board to help the thinking process. He needs your guidance, that's why he is %26quot;panicky%26quot;.


Him: We have a problem!

You: What's the problem?

Him: The brakes are going in the truck...

You: How bad are they?

Him: Really bad.

You: Will they last until you can get them fixed?

Him: I don't know.

You: Can you drive it right now?

Him: Yes.

You: Where do you usually get your brakes fixed?

Him: Midas (or wherever)

You: When are you going to call them?

Him: Right now?

You: Good boy, bring ice cream when you come home.How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?Just tell him to avoid using the words %26quot;we have a problem%26quot;.How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?I understand your situation. I have observed my hubby and my dad and both wont divulge too many details.. I have to ask and ask questions to get some information... so you are not alone.

Second, try reading the book, men are from mars and women are from Venus... you will have a wonderful time understanding why men behave the way they do and why women behave the way we do..

Its a must read to understand your spouse, it has helps me a lot.. We rarely fight these days and just laugh over our differences..

It has helped me, hope it helps you too.. (btw, the book is available in borders or any good book stores)How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?Sit him down and let him know that although you love that he comes to you for advice on all subjects his approach needs a little work. Tell him that things would go a lot smoother and get resolved a lot quicker if he would leave the drama out of the situation that clearly doesn't require drama.....brakes needing work isn't detrimental unless he is currently in the car going down a steep hill and they aren't working at that case sure panick!! Otherwise just the information that they need to be looked at will do. Also let him know that the fact that he values your problem solving methods it would be nice if he would contribute to the process as well.How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?Tell him that when he begins a conversation like that it scares you and makes you worried that something's really wrong, like someone is hurt or there's been some kind of accident. Ask him if he would mind just coming out and saying what the problem is without the introduction. When he gets that, start encouraging him to come up with ideas on his own by asking what he would like to do to fix the problem. If he gives you grief, say something like %26quot;Well I don't know too much about brake systems so I though you might have a better idea than me how to fix it.%26quot; It'll boost his ego thinking that you are coming to him to save the day and that there are still some things that he can do and you rely on him for - guys need that. It'll also encourage him to start thinking like a problem solver, not a problem starter.How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?That has nothing to do with trying to change him (as a person) just adjust how he communicates. Tell him how you feel and that the %26quot;We have a problem!%26quot; makes things sound a lot worse than they need to...let him know it would be more clear to you if he'd just state the issue, and what ideas he has already to fix it...or if he's asking for your input then state the issue, and ask what you think should be done.How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?This isnt changing him, this is just a change in communication.

I would tell him when he has a chance to talk (NOT when he has said this, you must talk to him when nothing serious is going on): %26quot;Hon, I really appreciate that you notice things in our lives to make it better like the truck needing new brakes. if you didnt notice it, i probably would never have and i feel safe with your awareness in our life. i wonder though, when you want to do something or if something needs fixing, would it be possible to discuss issues not starting with 'we have a problem'? of course i will do my best to help, but it makes me really nervous when you start off the sentence with 'we have a problem' and i immediately think the worst, like you are hurt or something. if you could state what the issue is, like 'the brake is thinning, it needs to go to the shop, when can we schedule it?', it would make me so much happier and more relaxed to listen. what do you think about it?%26quot; and let him answer. i bet since he cares for your safety so much, he just really needs a gentle signal from you on how to communicate with you.

try it and see. if you give him positive points and allow him to fix the situation, it will allow him to feel like a strong man protecting you. good luck!How can I resist the urge to %26quot;change%26quot; him?Next time he does it, just stop him while he's freaking out and say, %26quot;Baby... every time you do this it's more confusing for me to understand the problem. Just tell me what needs to be done and we'll fix it, it's okay%26quot; etc etc. Maybe he'll catch on eventually and stop doing that. Just explain it to him
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  • Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??

    1. When you are driving, you might see things that are problems, things that might become problems %26amp; things that wont be a problem. How should you react?

    2. The car gets to a 4-way stop 1st has the right away. Should you count on other cars waiting when u have the right away? How do you handle it when you dont know if they will wait?

    3. How do road conditons affect the way you drive?

    4. What order should you do these when changing lanes?

    a) look over your shoulder

    b) signal

    c) be aware of other cars (look around)

    d) change lanes

    e) check your mirrors

    5. How do road conditons affect the space you need to stop?

    6. Does it matter if your car has ABS braks? Why?

    7. How to find out if your car has ABS brakes?

    8. In what situation should you pump your brakes? Light or hard %26amp;%26amp; how is it different for people with ABS brakes?Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??1. Depends on what you see. If you see things that are not problems than who cares. When something goes wrong the best thing to do is not panic and make sure you have your car under control.

    2. Once I come to a 4 way stop I make sure no one was there first, if there is no one there I go, If I see someone coming I wait a little bit longer to make sure they are slowing down and than I go.

    3. Road conditions mean everything. Rain, Snow, Fog drive slower and more carefully, Rain and Snow affect a cars handling and braking. Also Fog rain snow affect visibility so you have to drive slower because you can see what is going on in front of you as well as a normal day.

    4. You should always be checking what is going on around you all the time, I always check all three of my mirrors at least once every minute even if I am not planning on changing lanes.

    First you signal, than check your mirrors, than check your blind spots, than change lanes once it is clear.

    5. Again rain, snow makes it harder to stop because the car will slip more. The more rain or snow the slower you need to go because it will take a lot longer for the car to stop.

    6 and 7. All newer cars have ABS, yes ABS helps ALOT! ABS brakes are a great thing. Just ask the person selling it to you are any mechanical/dealer ship.

    8. With ABS brakes you DONT pump your brakes just hit them as hard as you can, the ABS will prevent a skid or loss of control. Never pump your brakes. This is one problem car crash investigators have found in accidents. For some reason people who are in accidents much of the time don檛 hit the brakes all the way. Just slam on the brakes.

    For a car without ABS hit the brakes but if you need to steer than you will have to let go for a second and pump.

    Again ABS brakes are great and you should never buy a car without them, unless it is a classic car.

    Also one more thing, don檛 forget on the highways Left lane is for passing only unless it is being used as a HOV lane. Don檛 cruise in the left lane, just pass and go back to the right lanes. If someone wants to pass you move over the next lane and let them pass.

    Drive safe. hope this helps.Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??I suggest getting a driving theory handbook, it has all the questions and answers for all questions asked during a theory test. Go through them section by section reading over and over until you get all the questions correct then move onto the next section. thats how i passed mine.Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??1, depends on what you see

    2, first one in, last one out


    4,close your eyes turn and pray

    5,you slide on ice, no?


    7,check owners man.

    8, depends on how fast you wanna stopCan someone help me with some driving safty questions??1. Always drive safely and pay attention to everything that's going on that affects where you are driving.

    2. Bever assume that other drivers will be obedient to the laws ... you need to be both correct with respect to the laws, and safe with respect to other drivers who include maniacs and careless people.

    3. When road conditions are perfect, then use the speed limits, road signs, and other traffic as a guide to your behavior. As road conditions deteriorate, such as poor visibility, night time, bad weather, pot holes, traffic jams, then slow down according to the impaired conditions.

    4. First find out if it is practical to make your lane change ... if you are going to have to go several blocks %26amp; can't move, it can be distracting to other drivers if you signalling. Then when it appears that a lane change is doable, turn on your signal, then check again and do not actually switch lanes until it is safe to do so, then when you where you want to be, make sure the turn signal is off again. You need to be aware of other cards around you, whether you are changing lanes or not, be aware ALL the time. Be aware both by using your mirrors, and by occasionally looking over your shoulder..

    5. Visibility affects how likely you are to see trouble up ahead.

    Slick roads, such as from recent rain, affects how rapidly you can slow down, or maneuver, when the roads are slippery.

    6. I am not familiar with ABS brakes.

    7. Every car comes with an owner's manual issued by the manufacturer, which explains all aspects of the car and its instrumentation in more detail than most anyone might need. Read it, get familiar with it. You should have done this before you drove any car for the first time.

    8. I have not pumped my brakes in decades. If I need to slow down, I do so. If there is some tail gater behind me, I slow down before I need to slow down because of what is ahead.

    For example, I am tooling along at 55 mph, and the road ahead is clear ... no problems.

    I see this clown behind me like about 1/2 a car lenght, so I gradually slow down until we are doing 10 mph, which I consider to be safe speed for 1/2 a car length.

    Before we get there, the tail gater usually passes me, and gives me the finger. Good, I got rid of that maniac. I increase speed again to what is safe for local conditions.

    This way, if I happen across something where I need to stop suddenly, I do not have to worry about the tail gaters, because I got rid of them before I got in the situation where I need to stop in a hurry.

    How do you change the idle speed on your car?

    I have a '99 Galant and after I've been driving for a while the oil pressure light comes on when I hit the brakes and the engine rpms drop to idle at about 700 rpms. As soon as I hit the gas the light goes back out at about 900 rpms. my oil pump is fine and there are no leaks in the oil lines so i'm fairly certain that's not the problem. I think idle speed is too low but since there's no carbureator I can't figure out how to increase it.How do you change the idle speed on your car?your car is computer controlled, the idle is set and should not need to be tampered with. it sounds like you have a low oil pressure problem. You say your pump is good, how do you know this? Your oil pump is not the only thing that determines your oil pressure, which is triggering that light. How maNY MILES ARE ON IT ?How do you change the idle speed on your car?sounds like you may have a bad valve or head problem, I had a mustang that did the same thing and it needed a new head. but as far as adusting the idle, i think that even in 1999 it was controled by the computer. in other words you can't.How do you change the idle speed on your car?I think there is a cable on the throttle body. I know there is an ICM(Idle Control Motor) so you have to adjust that opr the idle controller on the throttle body.

    How do you bleed brakes?

    My boyfriend just changed the brakes on my car but he says he has to bleed them. Is this necessary? He's not too sure how to do this and I don't want him to mess up my car. Does this video give an accurate description? ThanksHow do you bleed brakes?you only need to bleed if you got air in the lines, the peddle is way to easy is a sign of that. to bleed them you need one person in the driver seat and one at wheel caliper there is a bleeder valve on there 10mm socket. make sure you got fluid in reservoir and push and hold the brake down, while brake is held down brake the bleeder valve, and tighten Again. Lut go of the brake peddle pump 1 or 2 times and hold it all the way down again. Repeat them steps until only fluid comes out no air do this to all 4 brakes or the ones you changed good luckHow do you bleed brakes?Bleeding brakes is to remove any air in the brake fluid that is in the lines. It can cause the brakes to feel mushy or not work up to par. Simply changing the pads does not usually affect the fluid. If there were other problems other than the pads being replaced like replacing the caliper, then you will need to bleed.If you bleed them, check in the repair manual for bleeding procedures. they are in most books. generally you start with the furthest from the master cylinder to the closest. right rear, left rear, right front, then left front. the easiest way is to have 2 people. One sits in the car and the other does all the work. First, locate the bleeder screws. pump the brakes 3 times and hold the pedal in. While the pedal is in turn the screw and let some fluid out. Close it again right away. do this several times until you determine the air is out of the lines. Follow the same procedure on every wheel. Keep checking the fluid level to make sure it is full, you don't want to get more air in the lines. There are several methods and you can get bleeder kits at the auto parts store. Have fun or see a mechanicHow do you bleed brakes?You only need to bleed the brakes if you opened a brake line. Usually not necessary if you just changed pads %26amp; rotors/drums. Only if you changed wheel cylinders or calipers.How do you bleed brakes?I didn't look at the video, and despite what the first two answers tell you, it is always recommended to bleed the brakes after replacing the pads / shoes. Not doing so may, at the very least, cause fluid to overflow out of the brake master cylinder.......remember that the old brakes allowed the fluid level to lower and required some topping off of the cylinder; after replacement brakes, that fluid will go somewhere, which will be out of the top of the master cylinder

    How to change the brake pads on a 1988 volvo 740 turbo?

    Has anyone who is a do it your selfer tried to change the brake pads on their Volvo 740 DL turbo sedan? I think I can do it but looking for tips and checks and dos and don'ts.How to change the brake pads on a 1988 volvo 740 turbo?i worked on Volvos for 5 years going through college. the brakes are some of the easiest in the industry to change. very straight forward, no special tools required. you may need an extra large screwdriver or even a small crowbar to gently push (or squeeze) the caliper pistons back into the calipers so that the new (fatter) brake pads will fit. if i remember correctly, there are two pistons and pushing on one will sometimes push the other one out, so try pushing both at the same time or going back and forth from one to the other so they go back into the caliper evenly. if one gets pushed all the way out, then you are left with a mess of brake fluid on floor and the need to bleed the brakes after your done, which you can avoid. lastly, Volvo used two different kinds of brake assemblies. one made by Girling and the other name eludes me, but they are distinctly different and not interchangeable. i could tell them apart simply by sight, but you will probably want to bring in the old pad to the parts store to match them up with the new ones as there is NO WAY to tell which ones your car has without physically looking at them.

    good luck.How to change the brake pads on a 1988 volvo 740 turbo?This is a very intrictate process. go to then go to 700/900 FAQ. That can help you more than we can. Plus it includes pictures.

    How to change the brakes on 01' Chevy Lumina?

    I'm need to change just the front brake pads on a 2001 Chevy Lumina, and I have now idea what I'm doing so I'm asking for your guidance.

    If you have any website links that you think would be helpful please post.

    Thanks in advance!How to change the brakes on 01' Chevy Lumina?1.put a piece of wood under the rear tire, %26lt;will prevent car from rolling back%26gt; the hood remove the cap on the master cylinder if low on oil do not refill, low fluid is a indication or worn out brakes since its a sealed system unless there is a leak you should never have to replace fluid.3.jack up front end either as a whole or one side at a time use a jack stand under the frame rail, lower car onto jack stand.4. pull the wheel off.5 loosen the caliper bolts normally this is a large hex bolt

    remove calipers remove pads look at old pads for un even wear or burns

    or cracks indication for bad calipers should be even wear on both pads

    check the rotor which is what the wheel bolts too, look for blue-ing

    or small cracks grooves etc if you find any replace the caliper or have them turned at a machine shop average price in my state 25 dollars a wheel some times and some places are cheaper to buy new ones get a can of brake cleaner at a parts store you'll need to use specific cleaners other wise there might be a residue and you won't stop,6 get a rag and large pair of channel locks put rag over piston in caliper slowly compress with the master cylinder cap off this should be easy

    you do not need to bleed brakes that's only when you crack open a Zerk fitting and we haven't done that here, once piston is compressed all the way into the caliper your ready for new pads, first go wash your hands grease is a brake system worst nightmare most disk brakes come with a little tube of glue called anti chatter glue this is applied to the back of the pads let that sit a minute to set then install the new pads carefully put caliper back onto rotor and re bolt down do a visual check to make sure you did not disconnect anything else.

    then put the wheel back on that side is done do the same for the other wheel. with all that said and done now you know how to change the brakes on every car with disk brakes they are all the same type system the only thing that varies is to bolts holding the calipers

    and the calipers themselves rotors are rotors all the same, with that being done pretty simple kind of makes you wonder why it costs 400 dollars to do a brake job.

    hope this helps

    LrHow to change the brakes on 01' Chevy Lumina?You should be able to go to AUTOZONE.COM and find a repair manual online that will show diagrams for your vehicle. If not you can go to your local parts store and they will probably have a repair manual for your carHow to change the brakes on 01' Chevy Lumina?all you need to do is pull the tire off, take a c-clamp and push the caliper piston in, take out 2 bolts and lift the caliper off. change the pads and install the caliper and tighten the bolts. make sure you pump the brakes up after you get done.
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  • 03 Altima 2.5s brake pad change?

    im gonna get down to the point, I need to replace my wifes brake pads on her altima rear brakes, lol :( she has worn them down to the metal, and is not driving the car until i get them fixed, how do i fix them? I mean where is a good tutorial video that I can get to show me, also I dont think it would be hard because your just changing the brake pads thats it!!! And its not like its hard to get to them, my friend has replaced them before, I would just like to know what tools I need and a great video or link to show me how to do it, thanks everybody03 Altima 2.5s brake pad change?A couple of notes: If she ran the pads to the metal your rotors are ruined beyond repair Buy only American Or Canadian brake rotors. Wagner, AC Delco or EBC. Pads: Wagner Quiet stop, EBC Green Stuff, Or any top brand ceramic pad. Your right you and I could do this job in two hours. It's too simple not to do yourself. Go to the library and in The Motors, or Chilton's books mimeograph the descriptions and pictures. You need to decide if your willing to buy some good quality metric tools. A 3/8 ratchet and a strip of metric shallow sockets from Sears. You need a floor jack and jack stands.

    I think you see that it would be penny wise and pound foolish to spend money for all the specialized equipment to do it your self. Hire an independent and inquire if you can bring in your chosen for-mentioned parts. With the parts and an experienced teacher It would be done quickly. Good Luck.03 Altima 2.5s brake pad change?i would say the best thing for you to do,is go to auto zone and pick up a hanes book on that will explain step by step how to do the job.if she wore it down to the metal,then probably you will have either have the rotors turned or have them replaced.she should have heard the squeeler.

    Having some rubbing sometimes when stopping. had brakes,shocks,all joints checked all good.?

    what would you have checked next and could it be a tire?when should you have your brake pad changed? it is a pontiac g6 2006. i have had the rotors turned 3months ago and 2 tires got screws in them .be sides that i have had no problems but i am going to have some extra money and i want to find out and fix this problem why i can i just i;m having a huge problem finding it.One other thing is the front passenger tire was when you drove it felt like you were running over something as you drove and we swapt the two fronts and it sopped i still took it in to the shop and they said there was nothing wrong with the tire or anything else and it is really confusing how it was so horrible like you were running over pinecones on one side and now that it is on the other side of the car it does not. some one please help me this is getting so frustrating.thanks for all the help ahead of timeHaving some rubbing sometimes when stopping. had brakes,shocks,all joints checked all good.?1. Not a wheel bearing, because it FEELS like you're running over something.

    2. definitely not a CV joint because the problem seemed to subside when the tires were rotated.

    Check your tires for busted belts. Just look and run your hand around your tire and feel for any lumps along the tread. Depending on how bad its bulging, that could also be causing the rubbing you mentioned, if said rubbing is rhythmic and not constant. And honestly, unless you're specifically looking for them or happen to put your hand on one, busted belts are very easy to overlookHaving some rubbing sometimes when stopping. had brakes,shocks,all joints checked all good.?Your wheels sound really off balance. Go to a different place and have them re balanced and see if that helps. I suppose it could be a wheel bearing but those make a humming noise when they go out and your car is too new to have that issue.Having some rubbing sometimes when stopping. had brakes,shocks,all joints checked all good.?well its hard to beleave but thare other things to a auto than just tires thare a re things such as tie rod ends uper and lower bail jouints along with wheel barrings and races if you are hearing pinecouns i think you may have a bad wheel barring and race that needs some atensiong and should be replaces and it could be quite possable that your cv joints are not in good condistion and the boots are riped and got dirt into the gress and need replaced but its up to you might like to have a mech look at it for you and talk with him about what is going on with your car and then let him fix your pinecouns problem

    How much should it cost to get your brake pads changed?

    midas is $79.95 per axle as long as you don't need any other new parts.How much should it cost to get your brake pads changed?There are lots of variables to consider here but let's go with what you gave for info. To change brake pads - only the labour. Should cost anywhere from $49.99-$79.99 per axle depending on where you go and what kind of car you have.

    If you need to buy pads can add anywhere from $29.99-$69.99 per axle. If you need rotors too then this could add another $39.99-69.99 per wheel.How much should it cost to get your brake pads changed?59.95, Mavis Auto center

    I'd do them for 55.00 25 for the pads and 30 for the labor However, i highly suggest that if you have not purged your brake fluid in around say 30,000 miles, it would be very wise to do so while its being performedHow much should it cost to get your brake pads changed?$79 per axle at Budget Brakes, which is a national chain. There are shops that will do it cheaper, dealers will charge a whole lot more.How much should it cost to get your brake pads changed?If I'm not mistakin, the going rate is around $69.00 per axel.

    How to change your personlaity?

    I have been working in my first job for the past 10 months.So,the thing is that when I started I was naive in the sense I didn't knew how the work environment,politics works.I am still learning.Actually when a new intern joined I leant alot from her I mean she was confident about her work and all.

    Initially I was quite and I have maintained that personality.But actually I am totally opposite.How should I brake my image I have created?Also,my boss hates me I mean he likes my work but he doesnt like the snobbish personality I have created ?Now when I try to mix up apart from work he just ignores me .I am not sure whats the issue?Above all,I am developed a fear of talking with my boss. IS THIS NORMAL.Can anyone help me dealingwith this issue?How to change your personlaity?Like you suspected, I think you're offending him on accident. I'm guessing you come from different culture and you're currently working with Americans? In any culture if you don't follow that cultures etiquette you'll probably come off as rude, but I find most Americans aren't very tolerant about cultural differences, so there's a lot of misunderstanding. Americans are very extroverted, even quiet Americans come off as rude or snobbish sometimes. You're expected to small talk, ask them how there day has been, say hello, excuse me, please and thank you, shake hands etc.

    Making arrangements with your boss outside of work is something that's usually frowned upon, the more formal of a workplace you work at the more this is frowned upon. You can be friends with your coworkers, but not your boss. But don't ignore your boss at work though, still talk to him. If your boss is ignoring you it's normal that you'll feel nervous talking to him. Once you start getting along with him he'll probably warm up to you.

    I don't know how much of that you already know or not, but if you can afford it you could take a course on business/workplace etiquette or read some books on it.

    How much does it cost to get your brake pads changed at an auto shop?

    figure on $150 and it will be in the ball park.How much does it cost to get your brake pads changed at an auto shop?All depends on the labor rate of the shop and there parts mark up most shops mark up parts 10 to 20% to make a profit and it depends on what kind of car as well for example a honda civic front pads parts and labor with machining the brake rotors $150-250 most shops the amount of hours for the labor is the same in every book.How much does it cost to get your brake pads changed at an auto shop?it depends on which one you go to, it should be no more than 100 bucks
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  • Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?

    I've heard a couple of times that adding some brake fluid to your engine oil act as a detergent and will remove a lot of sludge etc from inside your engine. Is this true? Are there any seals or gaskets that may be affected by the brake fluid?Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?YES, it will cause the rubber seals in your engine to swell and weaken, then tear, leak weep and cause you to be doing a reseal job. Brake fluid is hydraulic fluid and the seals in your brake system have a different composition than the seals in your engine, just as adding motor oil to your master cylinder will cause brake failure adding brake fluid to your engine will cause seal failure.

    Walmart and all auto parts stores sell a product called motor flush, not a bad idea if the oil is very old. If you want a good additive try Lucas Oil Stabilizer which will replenish the additive packet in your oil.

    Check the PCV valve, and under the oil filler cap and put your finger inside the inside of your valve cover if it is gritty, sooty etc then you have a sludge problem, if everything looks golden / honey through the oil filler cap then you have a properly maintained engine no real need for flush.

    What I find strange is mechanics putting down flush, funny I use flush all the time, when I replace a head / head gasket I drain all the existing oil since it has water in it in many cases and the thinned out / diluted oil will cause bearing failure and doing a crank after doing a head is a buzz kill, then I use fresh oil (sometimes used oil from my personal car since I change at 2,500 mi intervals) and a bottle of flush and run the car 15 minutes then immediately drain the oil, then do a oil and filter change. let the customer drive with radiator flush and water for no more than a week, then I do a flush and fill on the cooling system. I've done it this way for years and never had a problem, where as other shops have gained a bad reputation doing it %26quot;their way%26quot;

    Oil never wears out, the additives, detergents break down which causes an increase in viscosity, which leads to deposits which combine with ash (from combustion) and form sludge.

    Also by the OP's name you have a turbo Subaru, keeping up on the service schedule will save you in the long run. Turbo's run very hot and the bearings in the turbo can prematurely fail if you do not perform frequent oil changes with a good quality oil. I would use Mobil 1, Castrol Syntec, or Royal Purple

    Bottom line, change your oil/filter every 3K, use a can of flush if it has been a while. Run the flush as directed and NEVER drive with the flush in the car.

    Use Lucas, Restore, STP, if it makes you sleep better at night, but the real determing factor on engine life is frequent oil changes, tune up's, basically MAINTAIN IT!Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?Brake fluid would cause serious damage to oil seals.

    Use a flushing oil.Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?dont ever put anything but oil in your motor........or you will be sorry....lolCan You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?Sure you can use brake fluid if you want to ruin your engine and end up having to buy a new engine. Use JB Internal Engine Cleaner that is availabel at all auto parts store.Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?A - Brake Fluid is for brakes, not engines

    B - Unless you have an actual sludge problem, you do not need to use a flush. As a matter of fact, at a certain level, sludge could be disturbed and clog passages in the engine. Use a quality oil, it will fight the formation of sludge, especially a synthetic of semi-synthetic oil.

    C - If you confirm you have a sludge problem, there are engine flushes available. You drive to a quick-change place, put the flush in, and let it circulate, then get a hot oil change to drain it all out. But only if you confirm you have a sludge problem.

    If you want to use an additive to gently clean out sludge before it becomes a proble, use Rislone concentrate, not STP. Even the STP people don't claim to help with sludge in any way. It is good for restoring compression in worn engines. Pick up a bottle of STP Oil Treatment and shake it. Note it doesn't shake. That is thick goo you would be adding to the crankcase, goo that makes %26quot;a thicker cushion between moving engine parts%26quot;. Pick up a bottle of Rislone concentrate, and note it shakes about quite easily. Read the labels on both bottles before you take my word for it.Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?The best thing for you to do my friend is just to start using STP oil treatment . Put in one bottle at every oil change. The detergents in STP will clean your engine out over time providing you change oil every 3000 miles and that you use a good quality motor oil. It will remove the sludge and varnish while adding a layer of protection to your engine's moving parts. I use it in all my personal vehicles and it is very good stuff. STP oil treatment has been on the market longer than I have been alive. Let that be proof for itself. I have had many machine shop operators that has done work for me in the past tell me that he can tell when someone uses STP on a regular basis. It literally bakes into the metal on the engine. PLEASE DO NOT USE ENGINE FLUSHES. It thins out the motor oil viscosity to a very dangerous level and can cause the rings to scratch the cylinder walls because the flush has taken away the lubricating properties of motor oil. If this happens, then your engine has to be overhauled. I have had many engines come through my shop where the owner says that they used such a product and has ended up costing big time $$$$. . I don't know why the stuff is even allowed to be sold. PLEASE DO NOT USE ENGINE FLUSHES!!!Can You Use Brake Fluid in your Oil before an Oil Change to clean out engine grime? If so, How Much?whoever said to add brake fluid to an engine didnt know what they were talking about... if you need an engine flush its ok to use automatic transmission fluid as its a light very detergent synthetic oil and will clean out the engine gently without screwing any seals or bearings. when i bought my probe it was very neglected, so i threw some atf through it for about a thousand miles, then changed the oil... afterwards oil pressure was better and more consistent, and my valve tick went away completely... but if the car has had its proper oil changes and maintinence you shouldnt need to do anything to it.

    How do you change your personality?

    i am inbetween shy and conservative and outgoing and willing to talk to changes with my mooos, at times i am out going and can make a *** out of myself and what not but most the time like out in public im kinda shy. i want to be able to just start convos with random people and be outgoing how do i brake out of my shell?How do you change your personality?alcohol....and lots of itHow do you change your personality?work on getting self-worth, then nothing can stop you, good luck....How do you change your personality?Counseling?

    I dunno lollll.How do you change your personality?Wow, you sound like Sybil (the movie) which one are you really? Try being yourself and not adjusting your personality for your surroundings.How do you change your personality?Always look straght ahead and smile.think positive and think about some thing funny .I am the same way you are it took me thirty yrs to be able to start up random convos now it easy.How do you change your personality?Just be yourself around people and when they start to accept you as a friend, then that is your chance to come out of your shell. You just have to have confidence and allow your friends to support you so you can gain more confidence. It just takes time for something like that to happen. You can't expect to take some kind of pill and suddenly you are outgoing...How do you change your personality?just start out by sayig hello to complete strangers as you pass by or while standing in line or on an elevator, then once you are comfortable doing that try farting on crowded elevators and pointing at the guy or girl standing next to you.How do you change your personality?Involve yourself in community activities with people that you know. School/band/sports picnics? [Safe] parties? Eventually you will become comfortable with these sorts of activities that require you to be more open-minded and outgoing. Also, gather with a bunch of friends; this way you are starting smaller, becoming more comfortable with smaller groups, leading into a big group which will allow you to be more willing to talk to new people. I'm the same way, but I like that sometimes I'm shy and sometimes I'm not. It allows me to be more independent which I like. gOoD lUcK!!!How do you change your personality?gradually.

    First, start with something small, like if you have an annoying conversational habit. Find what it is, and stop doing it. Be conscious of everything you do, and change the one thing. When you've done that, you will have found that you are more aware of other traits in your personality that need to be solved.

    If you lie a lot then maybe tell the truth where you would normally lie. If you want to improve shyness, find a place you are comfortable, and start talking to people you would not normally talk to.

    Smile, and shake people's hands. Don't start conversations by talking about yourself, talk about the other person.

    Don't do anything that would embarass the other person, compliment their clothing, something about them, without sounding desperate. Don't say %26quot;You're georgeous%26quot; say %26quot;You look friendly.%26quot; That is a compliment without anyone thinking you are trying to be more than a friendly person.How do you change your personality?Well, as much as I'm sure you want to hear %26quot;Just do xxxxxx and everything will change%26quot; it's unfortunately not that simple.

    What you should do is continue to make an effort to be outgoing. Realize that most of the people in the world aren't going to stare at you awkwardly if you walk up to them and say hi. After all, I'm sure even as shy as you are, you'd still say hello to someone saying hi to you.

    Basically you need to realize that most people enjoy talking to other people. Some people are outgoing and can start up the conversations, and others are shy like yourself and will only speak when spoken to. Either one of those types will still respond to your attempts to talk to them though.

    And as cliche as it sounds, the weather really is a good conversation topic when you have nothing else to talk about.

    So just go for it and give it a shot, the more you do it, the more natural it will feel.How do you change your personality?You cannot change your personality. You can only change your behaviour to that which is consistent with the personality you'd like to have. Start young enough, do it long enough, and it might just rub off on you.How do you change your personality?Yeah i had a friend like that and i she still is but she is much better before i last met her,

    anyways, when you meet new people. Don't act different. Dont be someone you are not. People should like you for who you are, not what you are pretending to be. that makes a lot of sense. If you want to talk casual though, don't get nervous. Just take a deep breath and relax. Talk like how you would talk to your friends. When they say hi, say hi back and tell them your name and ask for theirs. soon you will see that you guys will have a conversation starting up and you won't feel so nervous anymore.

    how do you break out of your little shell? well, you could first start off just being by yourself for a bit. and think of what you would do if you are meeting someone. If you were being introduced to someone, what would you start off saying. you don't want to babble, so sorta plan the beginning part. The hi, whats up, anything new thing. Sometimes i plan little topics in my head of what to talk about before i talk to someone im not so used too so then i don't feel awkward talking to them or start shooting out words that don't make sense and all that kind of stuff.

    When actually talking to someone, like i said, deep breath. Relax. No stress. The person is like everybody else. Talk to them like how you would talk to your friends. Be YOURSELF. dont lie about anything about you. you will just get tangled up in a mess. sometimes, if i get nervous just starting up the convo like if it is already started and i feel nervous or about to babble, i just excuse myself to the bathroom or something, and then when i get to the bathroom, i just relax for a bit. Think of some quick topics and all that kind of thigns. Or getting a drink of water would help too. just ask if you could go get something real quick. And when oyu come back, just remember to stay calm and you will be fine.

    well good luck!How do you change your personality?you shouldnt have to but if you were going to you might want to change your aditude and the way way you handle situations like instead of being happy be sad.....see you really dont want to changeHow do you change your personality?It's complicated, and takes a degree of self-esteem and determination to change your personality.

    You want to come out of your shell and be able to strike up conversations... start by talking to yourself in the mirror. Have imaginary conversations - ones you'd like to have with people. Talk them all out until you have a good idea of how to answer certain questions, how to respond to things like %26quot;how are you?%26quot; and stuff like that. I used to laugh when people said to talk to the mirror, but it really worked for me. It builds confidence, because you know what you look like when you say things, you've seen your expressions, and you can be confident in your speech.

    Next, you should sit down and think of ways to start conversations - write them down, and then try them out in front of the mirror.

    The test is actually walking up to someone and talking to them. If you're in a large setting with a lot of people, look for people either alone or with one or two friends.. I've had really bad luck with joining a group conversation. They just kinda look at you all funny like %26quot;WHO are you, and why are you talking to us?%26quot;

    Pick a neutral topic, like the weather or food. If you're in a cafeteria, make some obscure recommendation like %26quot;the pie's good%26quot; or %26quot;Oh, I love those cookies.. you should try one.%26quot; Then if the comment sticks and you start talking, you can introduce yourself.

    The important thing is to relax and be confident. Take a deep breath before you start, and tell yourself that the worst that can happen is they'll tell you to go away.. and that it's their loss if they do.

    Good Luck

    How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?

    There is a whistling sound when I'm driving %26amp; not using my breaks. But I hear that you need to take it to get fixed immediately if you hear a grinding noise, which means you are messing your rotors up? But that's not the kind of noise I hear. It does sound like something is rubbing up against something that it shouldn't be. And it is really loud. But it doesn't sound like metal rubbing against metal. I don't have enough money to take it someplace %26amp; get fixed. If I can wait a week %26amp; then drive 2 hours to my dad's house, he'll replace the break pads. But is it safe for me to drive on for a week %26amp; will it be safe to drive the 2 hours it takes me to get to my parents?How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?well... the most obvious sign is when every time you step on the brake it makes a squeaking noise... this is because in the brake pad there is a metal thing that will hit the metal on you rtire and cause a squeaking noise. When this happens you need to change the brackpads.How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?Doesn't sound like brakes. The front pads will make a squelling sound but not a whistle. Probably something else.How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?check the brake system at a mechanic soon.

    but if you have a grinding noise and you have to brake hard to get the veicle to stop you should see the mechanic even sooner...How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?If it is a squealing noise, then yes you need the pads to be replaced. there are small metel sensors attached to the pads. When the pads wear down, this metal sensor rubs lightly against the rotors causing the sound that you hear. Once it wears down even more, then your sound will be more of a constant squeal. Sometimes on turns, sometimes when you lightly apply the brakes the noise may go away too.

    Have someone remove the wheel where you hear the noise the most and look for the sensor, if it is close to the rotors, then simply replace the pads. It should be Ok to drive for a short while, maybe a few weeks depending on how much you drive and how hard you apply the brakes. Go easy on thenm for now.

    good luck.........How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?i own a shop,and you can take it and have the brakes checked most places wont charge just to check them just tell them its making a noise and ask if they could check them,usually they,ll do this,it only takes a few minutes to check them,good luck i hope this helps.How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?It could be a couple of things like having to brake hard in order to stop. or when you stop it makes noises and you can look at it to tell if its getting thinHow do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?Jack the car up, take the tire off.

    You'll find the rotor is saddled by brake assembly. The pad consists of a backing agent and the pad itself. the backing part of the pad is the part farther from the rotor itself. You should be able to see if there's any pad left.

    The whistling sound itself may not be brake related at all. It could be a loose belt or a bearing of some kind.

    Without knowing more, I'd say if you haven't had any problems stopping yet, you should be fine. Be careful.

    Good Luck.How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?If you think its close to time on getting them fixed, then go ahead and take it in. you will have to pay more if it gets to the point where you hear the grinding noise ($325+) rather than just replacing the pads ($150 or less depending on the car).

    always go for the preventative route when it comes to car repair no matter how much you want to put it off.How do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?You can wait and have Dad drive the car and see what is up.

    Nothing terrible is going on just yet, but if it changes before you get to Dad's house- You need to stop.

    depends where you live but lots of good shops offer a free inspection of brakes with an oil change or a tire balance. I know I do and get a lot of people taking advantage of that service. Many don't believe what I tell them but I sleep peacefully at night for always having done the right thing.

    ASE Cert tech 30 years, Shop OwnerHow do you know if your brake pads need changed with out taking it to a some place that will charge you?I have been told that when you hear that whislting noise it means that your pads are rubbing together, which in some cases means that you may not hear a grinding noise before this happens, mine never grind, they whistle so I change them immediately. I don't take mine to a shop to get changed, I have my husband do it because I am like you, I don't want to take it to a shop %26amp; be charged to have them looked at nor pay the expensive price of labor to get them changed. You can get brake pads at just about any auto store for alot cheaper than you can at a shop, I think I pay $25.00 for my brake pads %26amp; they last a long time. So if you have somone that can look at them for you without going to a shop, I would do that first.

    How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?

    A mechanic is telling me i should get them serviced every 6-8 months, so about as often as I would get an oil and filter change. This of course adds ~$200 to the bill.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?Service only when required. Needless parts replacement wastes your money.

    Inspected once a year when convenient (when in shop for other work), or if you suspect a problem.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?If you live in a hilly or a place with dirt roads or you go off-roading, that makes sense.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?it depends on how you drive : if you stop and go alot you need to service them sooner than expectedHow often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?Assuming you drive %26quot;normally%26quot; you wont need any service other than inspections for 2 years or 15-30,000 miles (dependant on weather/driving habits)

    Weather condition and driving habits play a huge roll in when repair is needed.

    Get your brakes inspected twice a year(cheap insurance)the inspection in most cases will include a basic cleaning of dust from drum type brakes,if you doubt what your tech tells you as far as needing service,go to another shop for a second opinion.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?Everyone wears their brakes down differently. My wife wears her brakes down on a yearly basis.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?His wrong and wright. To get ur brakes check it should only cost around 30 dollars. If you live in the city or town you dont have to worry about till you feel theres something wrong with the brakes. You'll be able to tell when you here lots of noise from the brakes.How often do you need to get your brakes serviced? (not just inspected)?The life expectancy on the brake pads, rotors, and drums depends on many factors. There is absolutely no way anyone can give you an exact answer without inspecting the vehicle.

    Vehicle weight, transmission type, geographic location, and driving habits all effect the life of these components.

    I have had brake pads and rotors that have lasted for over 100,000 miles on a full size truck that routinely hauled heavy loads and pulled trailers. This was due to traffic conditions and a manual transmission.

    I have seen examples of similar sized trucks with automatic transmissions wearing brake pads out every 12,000 miles! This is due to aggressive driving in city traffic five days a week.

    Inspect the braking components often, and replace worn parts when needed. It is important to remember to machine the rotors or drums, if possible, when you replace the brake pads. If there is not enough material left on the rotors or drums they need to be replaced. This will ensure even ware of the pads, and prevent future repairs.

    The only time that time would be a maintenance factor would be with models such as the Jeep Wrangler. The master cylinder is prone to leakage in older models if the brake fluid is not changed every year.

    How many times can you change your car a year leagaly?

    i was wondering if theres some type of law that says that limits you on how many times you can trade buy or sell a car in a year, i like cars alot and i had 4 cars in the past year 1 traded and 3 bought would i be braking the law if i were to change my car again??How many times can you change your car a year leagaly?If you are not buying and selling to gain cash (as in a firm) then no,but if you are there will be big trouble..How many times can you change your car a year leagaly?I'm sure you'll be fine. You're just wasting your money. Drive a car off the lot and retail value drops 30% in value.

    Actually you don't even have to drive it off the lot. All you need to do is sign your name on the loan paper, so the prices drops before you even sit in it.

    Sucks but oh well
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  • How do you change the brake fluid in your car?

    my brake fluid is looking a little dirty, does the break fluid need to be changed out ever so often or is it something I dont need to change, just keep it filled?How do you change the brake fluid in your car?Get a repair manual for your car. That's the only real way to do it.How do you change the brake fluid in your car?Steal your mother's turkey baster out of the kitchen and suck some fluid out of the master cylinder. Then top off with new fluid. The next time you have a major brake problem, have them bleed the brakes.How do you change the brake fluid in your car?When you put new brakes on you should %26quot;bleed%26quot; the brakes. this refers to adding fluid while pressing the brakes to flush out the old fluid. Bleed your brakes until you get the black gunk out.How do you change the brake fluid in your car?well mate this isn't easy even us mechanics hate it the fluid is crappy n not nice stuff but if you insist get a Friend to help top reservoir up then start at the brake farest away from the master cylinder.. then using the correct spanner n some wd40.(be careful these snap easy and also round off!!) get the Friend to pump the pedal 3-4times the say..down (he will then hold his foot flat to the floor the u release the nipple.wait for all the pressure to go then tighten it back up..then tell Friend release pedal...repeat until satisfied on all 4 corners of the car.. hope you got all that...

    but its much easier to get the garage to do it..How do you change the brake fluid in your car?this is not something you do yourself. take your car to a reputable brake shop and have them %26quot;pressure bleed your system%26quot; . this will eliminate dirty fluid plus all air that may be in the system, which if you have dirty fluid, their probably is air present. good luck

    Going from stock 17 inch rims to 20 inch rims?

    i own a 2005 jeep grand Cherokee limited 5.7 liter HEMI V8. They come with chrome 17 inch rims. i want to upgrade the size to at least 18. i would love 20s on it. Is there a problem putting 18s, 19s, or 20s on where the 17s are?

    i know about how your should change your brakes and all that good stuff out when changing tire size,, but does 1-3 inch increasements really change anything?Going from stock 17 inch rims to 20 inch rims?YOU CAN RUN 20S NO PROB . NOT TO WORRIE BOUT BRAKES EITHER .TIRES WILL CLEAR SO ROLL OUTGoing from stock 17 inch rims to 20 inch rims?it will probably change the accuracy of your speedometer, just for starters. alot of suspension parts cannot handle rims like that. you better check with your dealership, they might know best. don't listen to ppl on the internet about vehicle specs.

    Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?

    I have a 97 honda civic so I know it's pretty simple. I think they're drum brakes, but I haven't actually checked.

    I'm mechanically inclined, and there are ton's of %26quot;how to's%26quot; on line, but what I'm wondering is if it's generally unsafe to do this yourself?

    Is it something I should let a mechanic handle?Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?In general, this is a pretty simple task to accomplish yourself. That said, it's not something that you can zip through in 15 minutes. Especially if you've never done it before. As long as you have all the info on the correct procedure, know what parts and tools you'll need, and have the time to do it right there's no reason to be concerned about changing your own brakes.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?It is perfectly safe and simple. For disc brakes anyways because I have not done drums. Most small cars are discs in front drums on back and you do the fronts 5X as often as the backs. Bigger or more xpensive vehicles generally have all disc brakes. Have fun.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?i have done all my cars for the last 10 years.... disk brakes are easier than drums though.... Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?you can do it yourself, i,s not that hard to do. you just have to know what to do.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?front is not drums, they are disc. rear is drums. pads go on a rotor, or disc brakes, shoes go in a drum. pads are easy, shoes, not so much.

    buy a mid-grade pad, get some brake silencer, or brake quiet, to put on the backside of the pads..... damper for vibration. 1 hr tops if you don't know what you're doing.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?its safe and easy.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?You can do it yourself easy. Jack up the car and put axle stands under it. Remove both rear drums. Strip one side down ready for new parts then reassemble using the other side as a reference. Easy really.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?you can do it just pay attention to how it comes apart the reverse it.

    good luck.Is it a bad idea to change the brake pads on your car yourself?If you know what your doing it's completely safe.

    How to make your brakes stop squeeling?

    I have already changed my brakes and they still squeel. It is my front brakes on a dodge durango 2002How to make your brakes stop squeeling?well go to the auto place that fixes cars or somethin easier would be to get a new carHow to make your brakes stop squeeling?Rudy has it pretty good. If you put ceramic pads on rotors not designed for such you are going to have squeal. They could be dragging and creating a lot of brake dust which will cause this.

    If you put the brake pads on yourself did you lube the slide bolts that the calipers ride on? Try some brake cleaner and wash them very well with this. Let them dry COMPLETELY, and then see if they still squeal. If not then dust is your problem, if so, then you need to look into some new rotors(cheaper than surfacing these days).

    Myself I would tell them if they are not quiet, your pulling the car over:)How to make your brakes stop squeeling?if you live in a really wet or damp area that can cause it. if not then it is more than likely your performance parts or even try taking it to a different place to get the work doneHow to make your brakes stop squeeling?it's probably normal- - just brake dust...How to make your brakes stop squeeling?Instead of opt-ing for the cheaper pads spend a little more and get a ceramic set. Also when the brakes were done where the rotors spec'ed and turned?How to make your brakes stop squeeling?You need new brake pads. Go to the dealer where you bought the car or the shop that changed the brakes. They did not do a good job.How to make your brakes stop squeeling?Tell them if they're quiet, you'll give them candy later. Assuming you have quality pads and rotors which have been surfaced correctly, there is a special lubricant that can be applied to the back of the disc brake pads. It's a very special product, so don't just start slapping anything on there. It's a special purpose product. I my self would only have a brake professional do the job. Junk pads and poorly surfaced rotors can contribute to squeal. Some brake squeal is unavoidable on some models, but the lube will help.How to make your brakes stop squeeling?Some times dirt from the road gets between the caliper and the brake pads, or the rotors may have to be cut or changed. Also can be the wrong pads your using.

    Changing from drum to disc brake!?

    Is it hard to change your drum brakes to disc brakes? How do you change your brakes from drum to disc?Changing from drum to disc brake!?Why? Drums work fine.Changing from drum to disc brake!?You would simply install the kit you bought for your vehicle by following the instructions. It also helps to know the type of vehicle , and if there is a kit , or you have to piece something together from the wreckers. Hey Someone! keep your crap to yourself, We don`t need your junk on here.Changing from drum to disc brake!?hard not so much but costly. better to just ask a parts store or shop if it can be done on your car or truck sometimes its just not worfth itChanging from drum to disc brake!?Have a professional do the job.Changing from drum to disc brake!?It's not hard but one has to ask why? On a street driven vehicle there is no larger waste of money. You will get no performance benefit.
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  • Do you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?

    I have changed oil in my old Ford Explorer as well as my wifes Acura RDX...Is the BMW any more complicated? Any tips? How do you reset the service light. I am also due for a new microfilter and brake fluid? I think I can handle the microfilter. Any thoughts?Do you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?It is easier to change the oil on BMW's than on any other car I have ever seen. The filter is sitting on top of the engine just behind the radiator. You need to have either a 32 or 36 MM socket to open the reservoir that the filter sits in. The drain plug is no different than any other car.

    BMW does recommend their own oil which is a special Castrol 5-W30 synthetic blend only sold by BMW dealers. My dealer charges $6.25 a quart but each dealer can set their own price.

    You can go to to find specific instructions on how to reset the service lights. It is done by pushing the knob which controls the diagnostics. On earlier BMW's you had to use a special reset tool.

    The brake fluid bleeding is straight forward like other cars. I use a Motive pressure bleeder which makes it very easy for one person to do the job.

    The microfilter is very easy and again go to bimmrforums to see specific instructions.Do you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?BMW is VERY specific about the type of oil to use, it MUST be full synthetic and I bet the owners manual calls for 0w-40, a 5w-40 would be fine too.

    Check the owners manual as it will tell you specifically how much and what type of oil to use.

    BMW actually has their own brand of oil designed to go the 15,000 miles between oil changes.

    How to reset the service light should be in the owners manual as well.

    BMW, VW, Land Rover, MB, Audi, Volvo...ALL recommend changing the brake fluid every 2 years no matter the miles.

    Brake fluid absorbs moister and when it does it looses its braking power.

    Flushing brake fluid will also extend the life of braking components, like the ABS modulator.

    Flushing brake fluid is a 2 person job.

    If you go to and find the %26quot;Discovery%26quot; page there is a write up on how to flush the brake fluid on a Land Rover but the process is the same for every car and truck.

    It will say on the brake fluid reservoir what type of brake fluid you need, DOT 3, DOT4, DOT5.

    Your owners manual will tell you how much brake fluid you will need.Do you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?Oil changes are more or less the same. You should check your oil cap or owners handbook for your fluid types. It should tell you how much oil the car will take as well as what type. You should be able to do it yourself with the experience you currently have.

    As for your brakes, Brake systems are a closed hydraulic system...I wouldn't mess with it unless you really need to. Are you actually boiling your brake fluid? i doubt it. Brake fluid is recommended to be changed because the fluid will absorb water over time and that lowers it's boiling point. if you break heavy you can get water to boil causing air in the lines. if your brakes bite good and the pedal doesn't feel %26quot;spongy%26quot; then don't worry about brake fluid, keep the system closed. if you need to bleed it a little...but i doubt your doing hard enough braking to justify this. it's one of those book maintenance things that a lot of mechanics love to tell you that you need even when you don't.Do you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?buy reset tool on ebay[to reset service light ]should be just same idea to ghange oil in bmw get good quality oil[synthetic] mind and get correct viscosity oil and a branded oil filter go onto bmw forums for pollen filter fitting as 4 brake fluid i dont think this will need disturbed unless it has mega miles on clockDo you recommend to change your own oil in a 2006 BMW 325i? What oil do you recommend? How do you reset?wel if you change oil in any thing before its pretty much same a oil drain plug and a filter type of oil kind of depends on you 5w30 most any brand

    Car: changing front brakes??

    dose any one have a video tutorial on how to change your front car brakes. best answer gets 10 points.Car: changing front brakes??Get a repair manual or go to your local library to see if they have a free one. Or check the major brake supplies like Bendix to see if their web site has any free stuff.Car: changing front brakes??If you can't figure it out yourself i don;t think a tutorial is going to help much. It's not very complicated get the tire and rim off then its only 2 more bolts in most cases.Car: changing front brakes??brakes are pretty east to do but if you dont know how to do them, other than looking at a manual you should be able to look and figure them out. if you are not comfortable doing them still you should probably have them done by someone because they are a safety concern if done wrong.

    Does anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?

    I know brake drums are another story, but brake discs are fairly easy.Does anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?Seriously, there are tons of sites out there on how to change brake pads.

    Simply googling it will give many sites, some even with videos.

    http://www.********.com/lessons/brakeshoDoes anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?Just buy a Haynes or a Chilton repair guide. They are full of all kinds of repairs.Does anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?this is one of the easiest things to do to a car.

    engage parking brake

    loosen wheel lugs (dont remove)

    jack up car and place on jack stands

    remove wheel lugs and wheel

    loosen and remove two bolts from brake caliper (varies by car)

    remove brake caliper from top (a prying tool may be needed but should ultimately roll towards rear of car from the top.

    remove old pads and put on new, you may need to compress the piston depending on wear (to do that remove lid from master cylinder and force piston to fully disengage, taking care not to damage it, a c-clamp and a peice of metal works great)

    put everything back on in reverse order starting with the caliper and work your way back.Does anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?This one has good photos: anyone know a good website that demonstrates how to change brake pads on your car?

    How long does it take to change efen brakes?

    It was 4:30pm when I happily walked down the lawn to leave to my friends. My boyfriend says %26quot;let me do your brakes, it will take 20 minutes%26quot;. I say %26quot;20 minues%26quot;? His response, %26quot;yup%26quot;. Its 1:30am and he is still freaken out there. WTF. Its a 2002 ford mustang.How long does it take to change efen brakes?If the pads are worn down heavily, it can be difficult to push the brake piston back to it's new position where you can fit the new pads in... Especially on the rear brakes if the piston has to be rotated and pushed at the same time. And if there is rust, you can spend a decent amount of time lubricating or heating up bolts. However 9 hours is a lot of freakin' time to be doing brakes! Maybe you should check to make sure he's still alive.How long does it take to change efen brakes?lol yea front pads are rather simple even the rotors are simple I think he might be in over his head time for a new BF or a good mechanic

    just for the record my EX GF could change pads in an hour LOL thats how hard it is to doHow long does it take to change efen brakes?Twenty minutes per wheel sounds about right. After nine hours are you sure he's still out there?

    Actually, it sounds like he is trying to do it without the proper tools.

    How do you bleed your brakes on a 2003 Mazda 6?

    I changed my brakes on my Mazda 6 pretty easy. I pressed in the brakes after the change was done and all was well. Once I turned the car on I was able to push the brake pedal all the way to the floor and the car still would not stop. Can someone tell me what I did wrong.How do you bleed your brakes on a 2003 Mazda 6?pump the pedal up %26amp; down a whole bunchHow do you bleed your brakes on a 2003 Mazda 6?sounds like you didn't adjust your rear shoes if equipped. if you lossed any fluids during this prosess. go to the whee cyl. fartherest from the master cyl. bleed all air and proceed in order of distance.
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  • How much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?

    ThanksHow much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?Free with about an hour worth of work. It's so easy man. Just google it. It's hard to explain in detail here.How much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?one hour labor and a quart of brake fluid...How much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?idkHow much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?you don,t need the brake fluid changed. in all the 40 some yrs. i never change the brake fluid and i never had any trouble.How much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?if u wanna do it byurself about 10 bucks

    if u take it to shop about 80 buck(just guessin)How much should it cost to have your brake fluid changed in your car?Not very much if you do it yourself. maybe the cost of a half quart of brake fluid tops. Just use a hand pump or even a turkey baster to get as much out of the master cylinder reservoir as possible, top it off, bleed the brakes, and top it off again. Be sure to use the correct brake fluid.

    Need Help Chainging Auto Brakes !!!!?

    When is the time to change your brakes? like after how many miles one should change the brakes of a car?Need Help Chainging Auto Brakes !!!!?You are in the worng heading .. but consult your owner's manual and/or call the repair shop.

    Good Luck!Need Help Chainging Auto Brakes !!!!?I usually wait until the brakes start making noise or they dont work properly,or if they start to pulse or pull to one side or the other.I've been doing my own for 30 years and this has always worked for me.Need Help Chainging Auto Brakes !!!!?when your brake pads are about as thin as a cd it's time to change themNeed Help Chainging Auto Brakes !!!!?This is one of those things that needs a pro.The brakes are one of the most important parts of a car.Have them checked at the dealer or a good local repair shop.They will tell you if they are ok and how many more miles you will have before you need new ones.Remember safety first.

    How hard is it to change your front rotors and brake pads?

    I've got a 02 xterra that's needs both and am not a big DIYer but I'd like to beHow hard is it to change your front rotors and brake pads?If you'd like a quick primer, go to your public library and dive into a Chilton or Motors Manual that concerns your specific car. If you get lucky any auto-parts store will have Haynes, or Chilton manuals specific to a number of years of all Nissan Cars. I do not think the manual will be specific to an Extera.

    As for tools, a few shallow well half inch drive metric sockets, 12 mm. - 17mm. , a 1/2 drive ratchet wrench, and a large C- clamp or a Jorgensen - carpenters slider C clamp, jack stands, a hydraulic floor jack (safer than a bottle jack) is all you need.

    #1. Slightly loosen all the wheels.

    #2. get the vehicle up on jack stands

    #3. Remove front wheels.

    #4. Remove brake caliper. 2 cap-screws are on the back side of the caliper bracket.

    #5. Two cap screws need to be removed to release the caliper bracket from the wheel spindle.

    #6. Rotors may need a tap on the back side to break them loose because of rust and corrosion.

    #7. Using an old brake pad in front of the piston inside the caliper, position your clamping device behind the brake caliper and screw the clamp which forces the caliper piston back inside the bore.

    #8. When replacing the rotors, paint on a small amount of Permatex Never Seize on the entire surface of the rotor where the lug holes meet the hub. The rotors will never stick again. If you plan on keeping your vehicle more than 3 yrs. Do not buy cheap off - shore brake rotors. They are often machined to minimum thickness, the cast iron is of poor quality, they rust and corrode quickly and they warp easily. Go for AC Delco, Wagner or EBC brake rotors. autopartswarehouse. com has Beck Arnley ceramic brake pads which include brake shims. Be careful what you choose for brake pads as most do not include the anti-rattle shims which add to the cost of your job.

    #9.If your selection of ceramic pads does not include the shims there's another way to stop brake squeel. Buy a plastic bottle of CRC Brake Quiet at NAPA, Car quest, or Auto Zone. On the steel side of the front pads first, spread a .090 thickness of this high temp silicone covering 100% of the steel side. Let it dry for 20 minutes.

    Slide the rotors back on and bolt up the caliper bracket.

    Re-assemble the pads inside the caliper or sit them inside the caliper bracket and bolt the caliper in place.

    Not a bad job after all. You just saved your self hundreds of dollars.How hard is it to change your front rotors and brake pads?It is easy. I would recommend getting the manual from the auto parts store.

    There is little you can do to hurt the car in this area so dig in and figure it out.

    You will need a C-clap to open the brake clippers and a basic tool set.How hard is it to change your front rotors and brake pads?its surprisingly easy, easier than you might think,

    but before you tackle the job, get either the manual or someone that knows what they are doing already to give you a hand,

    i recomend getting a haynes or clymer manual any way, jus to give you confidence for future jobs

    good luck

    Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?

    I have never done it before, but i see that i can save a significant amount of money if i do it myself. There are many resources on the web showing %26quot;how-to%26quot; change brake pads. How likely is it that it will be done wrong, and cause a dangerous situation.

    My background: I am a technical person who repairs computers, printers, copiers, and fax machines. I have a Nissan Titan.Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?Good front pads cost $45 and the total cost to install them is $125 for both parts and labor full warranty. In my opinion, it's not worth investing in all the equipment you need to safely do the job to save the $80.Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?Is the cost of an hours labour roughly 30 quid worth dying or killing someone over. Think about it your call!Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?Ok, you're a techie, can I repair my own fax or copier for myself, cause I don't like paying your labour rates either. What do you know about ABS, sensors, rotors, proportioning valves, etc, case closed good luckIs it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?You have a good background of taking things apart and putting them back together again so I don't think you'll have any problems. Just follow the instructions and you'll be just fine. I used to work on copiers and brake pads are a lot easier. If your rotors need turning or replacing, make sure you have the right tools especially a torque wrench to seat the bearings correctly. Good luck.Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?It's not difficult to change brake pads yourself. In addition to the tire iron and car jack in your trunk, you need a wrench (size varies from model to model) and big C-clamp.

    My advice: Buy a repair manual for your make/model and follow the instructions. When you're finished you will notice that the brake pedal goes all the way down to the bottom plate. Start the car and pump the brake pedal until you feel firm pressure again. Then go for a short test drive. After the test drive retighten the lugs.

    The most common mistake is to switch inner with outer brake pads. You will notice the mistake immediately because the brake pedal stays close to the bottom plate.Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?you can its actually quite simple....the hardest part is compressing the piston to put the new pads in. they have a tool for it similar to a C-clamp also don't let the caliper hang from the brake line when working on them if you do this the line can break and now you need a to bleed the whole system and a new line. rest the caliper on a box or tie it up with a rope to keep tension off the line.Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?Piece of CAKE!!! You'll need an hydraulic jack, jack stands, a few hand tools, several screwdrivers (to retract the caliper pistons), a can or two of brake cleaner, and genuine Toyota parts. If you catch it soon enough, you won't even need the rotors turned or replaced. Get a Haynes manual for details. You can do every bit a good job as a brake shop can!! The cool thing about the Toyota pads is that they come ina kit that includes the return springs and new hardware, so there is no second-guessing. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!Is it worth changing your own brake pads? How difficult is it.?If you have a friend that knows how to do the job have him come over and help you and you watch how it's done and the next time you will be able to do it, buy your friend a case of beer when done and if your lucky he will give you a few.

    How much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?

    I live in pa. Thanks!How much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?$120 front or back, but more if the rotors or drums need to be replaced. If they can be machined %26quot;turned down%26quot;, add $40How much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?4 wheel disc or front discs? and rear drums?

    i believe last time i saw a meineke commercial they had a sale for 60 per pair of discs, and 100 per pair of drums, so itd be about 160 not including new drums and rotors, but theyll let you know whether youll need new ones or you can just resurface your old onesHow much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?Date a mechanic its cheap then about $50 front and back FYI I'm singleHow much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?Depends what is wrong with them. If you need pads they are about $25-$50 a set. You will probably only need the front set. If the rotors are bad that will be another $100-$200. If you have a mechanic do it that will be another $100-$500.How much does it usually cost to get your brakes changed?a lot with the bad

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  • After how many miles do you change the brakes on your car?

    It's cold outside and I'm too lazy to go look at my car owner's manual, but how often do you change the brakes on a car - specifically a 2001 Acura TL? This set of brakes probably has 50k miles on it and a lot of it has been city driving. I'm not hard on my brakes, but do more stop and go than I do highway miles.After how many miles do you change the brakes on your car?I recommend changing them when they need it, not by mileage. If you have some experience with a local mechanic, have them check them when you have your tires rotated. They don't really need to be replaced until they wear down to the indicators, which emit a high pitched squeaking or chirping sound.After how many miles do you change the brakes on your car?It also depends on how high quality of pads you put on. A set of ceramic pads will last a lot longer than cheap metal composite.

    At 50k with lots of city driving it couldn't hurt to have them looked at, they could be ready to go or they could give another 50kAfter how many miles do you change the brakes on your car?It varies a lot according to the car and the driver. If you have 50K miles it is definitely time to check them out, but you must be pretty gentle with them to have made it this far. 50K is a lot of miles.After how many miles do you change the brakes on your car?just look and see how much pad is left between the disk and the backing plate..... i have had most last over 50K .

    Do you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?

    It's a Saturn Ion and the car place is quoting an outrageous price for several things, just wondered if leaking can be fixed in a week or so.Do you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?if you are talking about how long it will take to do the repair 3 - 4 hours, get another quote from a different garage if you are not happy with the one you have, do not drive the car except to the garage and then be very carefulDo you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?I wouldn't wait at all if the wheel cylinders are leaking.

    They can be overhauled with a wheel cylinder kit, bit it comes out pretty much the same price as simply replacing them with new ones.

    Your brakes are probably the most important system on your vehicle - next to perhaps the steering - bite the bullet and get them repaired before you rear end a bus load of litigation lawyers.Do you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?HI

    ask your self .................... SELF do I want to stop today....

    It would be nice if you gave us the list with prices.... Midas would most likely charge around $300.oo for full brake job.

    good luck

    timDo you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?Do you really want to take the chance that your brakes stop working and you cause an accident injuring yourself, or worse, someone else?

    If your brakes have an issue get them fixed.

    It's also illegal in most places to operate a motor vehicle if you're aware that it's safety in compromised.Do you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?If your brake cylinders are leaking,you should replace them now.if you are able to,do them your self-they are easy.i'm assuming they are calipers so the parts can be a little pricey and replace brake pads if they have oil on them or are worn.Do you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?You can rebuild them right on the car ,you can buy the kit at any parts storeDo you have to change the cylinders on your brakes if they're leaking? How long can I wait?I take it you are talking about the wheel cylinders on the rear end of a vehicle with drum brakes in the back. If they are leaking they have to be replaced IMMEDIATELY. I put an emphasis on that word because its a serious safety issue where the brake system will not be able to work, not to mention what other damage can happen as a result of this problem. In fact lots of shops are not allowed by law to let a customer that got a brake inspection where the vehicle has a serious brake safety issue drive away. They can let the customer get the vehicle towed to the house but not allowed to drive away. To replace it is not that hard. You will need a new wheel cylinder, brake fluid, brake cleaner, wheel bearing seals, and wheel bearing grease as a bare minimum (this can vary from case to case and what else has been damaged). I have replaced some that the problem was held off for so long the lining on the brake shoes had pretty much dissolved away to what looked like mud (insanely unsafe). Needless to say the brake shoes had to be replaced as well.

    Anyway, I hope this fills you in on the importance of this issue.

    I drove 55k miles & brakes still feel fine, this normal? HOW MANY MILES YOU drive B4 change car brakes?

    How many miles are you supposed to change your brakes for you car?? I owned my car for 4 years this month and put on 55k miles and the brakes are the still the original factory (never changed them or anything), Im worried cuz so far the brakes feel GREAT and like new (lol) but what if they stop workin all of sudden?! [and i DONT consider myself a conversative driver, i tend to race a kinda lot and have heavy foot kinda, i get road rage]

    SO HOW MANY MILES are you supposed change your BRAKES? also list the kind of car cuz may thatdepends? i drive 05 corolla XRS (the sportier corolla, so i figure they gave me the Better Brakes?)I drove 55k miles %26amp; brakes still feel fine, this normal? HOW MANY MILES YOU drive B4 change car brakes?After 55k I would defiantly recommend a brake inspection. I'm sure the Toyota dealer would recommend replacement at like 40k. Go to a tire store and get the %26quot;free brake inspection%26quot;. They will tell you to probably replace them. It's better to replace them before they start making noise and have a bad feel to them anyway. If you run the old brake pad too long they can damage the rotor and caliper.I drove 55k miles %26amp; brakes still feel fine, this normal? HOW MANY MILES YOU drive B4 change car brakes?It depends on how many times you press the brake pedals and not mileage or years.I drove 55k miles %26amp; brakes still feel fine, this normal? HOW MANY MILES YOU drive B4 change car brakes?If those are highway miles then you should be fine.I drove 55k miles %26amp; brakes still feel fine, this normal? HOW MANY MILES YOU drive B4 change car brakes?Listen to ME. I put less than 20K on brakes and changed them. Another car I drove had about 30,000 miles before the brakes needed changed. It depends on the type of brakes (Autozone vs Brembo) and how they're used (Grandma-style vs 0-60-0 in about 1000 ft. Im pretty hard on my brakes so they wont last as long. My dad drives pretty slow so he will hardly ever need brakes replaced. If they dont make ANY sounds or if the brake pedal doesnt pulsate during NORMAL braking action (just resting right foot on pedal to slow) then they're fine. Squealing you hear from other people's brakes means they neglect their car and could run into somebody if they needed to brake really hard, and its actually chatter. The pads are jumping off and onto the brake rotor. This is a very bad thing. When you feel your pedal and car pulsate when you hit the brakes, your rotors are warped and the repair just became about 3-4 X more expensive.

    How hard is it to change your brake pads?

    Not at all you just need the tools and it doesn't take that long yet you save lots of moneyHow hard is it to change your brake pads?it can't be that hard if my husband can do it!How hard is it to change your brake pads?depens, on the car. all you need really need is a c clamp and a wrench. if you need help you can IM me Skim2livex, i can walk you through itHow hard is it to change your brake pads?it is not hard in fact it was thee first repair i ever didHow hard is it to change your brake pads?It isn't that difficult but there are a few recommendations I'd want to make prior to attempting it.

    1.) Buy a Chilton manual. If for nothing else you'll be happy to have the pictures.

    2.) Know what you're dealing with. I've yet to meet a person who liked messing with rear drum brakes, however recent experience tells me that rear disc brakes have quirks all their own. If it's a rear drum brake make sure you have someone around to help you, even with them you'll probably still wish you had an extra hand or two.

    3.) The cheap drip pans you can get are a great thing, after you get the car SAFELY on jack stands position it under the brake so that it catches all the parts as you remove them.

    4.) Make sure to get the Brake Quiet compound or squeeks will drive you nuts.

    5.) Have the drums or rotor's checked with a micrometer to make sure they're good to still use. If you can get them turned if not buy new ones.

    6.) Front disc brakes you'll need just a C-clamp and maybe a small piece of wood. Rear disc brakes you may need a special spanner tool to turn the brake pistons back in.

    7.) When in doubt get help. Your life depends on them, don't risk it. It will help to have someone around who has done it before

    Hope I didn't run you off. For the most part you should be able to change brakes with a C-clamp, a 3/8%26quot; drive ratchet set, maybe one or two inexpensive specialized tools, and a rubber mallet. Just take your time and follow the directions. Once you do it the first time they're all about the same.How hard is it to change your brake pads?If you asked this question, you probably should not be attempting a brake job on your own.

    Seek the assistance of someone qualified to help you, and watch and learn.

    Brakes are a seerious subject, and by no means should someone who does not know what they are doing attempt to replace brakes.How hard is it to change your brake pads?heres the simple answer. get a chiltons manual and remember, both sides are the same. jack up either the front or rear or both of your car and remove the driver and passenger side tires. when changing the brakes only do one side at a time so the other side is a reference for you.

    How come I have to change my BMW brake disc already?

    Whats with this people wanting to change my brake disc of a 2 year car ?

    I have a Toyota and I change the brake this like one time, and it have 14 years (2002)

    I understood that the brake disc deteriorate if you dont change your brakes pads on time, when is needed

    I have only change my brake pads on time and was on time, as soon as the light sensor went off, I change the pads

    Now the sensor is on and I went where I bought the car to buy my pads but it seems they want me to change both front brake discs, so I went to another recognize BMW part shop and they told me I need to change the four of them!

    I want second opinion on this cause I dont think its that neccesary or it deteriorate that fast

    With your opinion I'll check again in a particular mechanics and see if Im a need of new brake disc

    Thanks in advanceHow come I have to change my BMW brake disc already?You really must not have driving your Toyota that much or did much braking in that vehicle, or your driving habits have changed with the BMW over the Toyota.

    My wife's 2003 Corolla needs a brake job about every 18 months. She drives in very hilly areas and applies her brakes more frequently.

    I drive a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (the same as a Toyota Corolla with a different upper shell). Have not had to replace the brakes yet and last inspection still had 50% of my brake pad left.

    Brake pad replacement depends on your driving habits and braking frequency. It doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. (It rarely ever does), but not sure how you got 14 years on a single set of brake pads unless you didn't drive that much.

    Ok, your talking about the disk rotors, I misunderstood your question. These days manufactures do make rotors out of cheaper metals to minimize brake noise. You can purchase rotors made from higher quality metals that last longer from an auto parts store. Just ask them for the higher quality rotors.

    Most manufacturer's have a minimum thickness that is recommended for the rotors as well. These days they don't make rotors as thick to reduce weight and allow for better cooling of the brake area. This unfortunately amounts to having to change the rotors a bit more frequently. From personal experience this is typically every other brake job for the original OEM brake rotors. (ie you can get them turned(machined) once, but typically not twice)

    Next time you have the brake rotors replaced, ask for the higher quality rotors. They are more expensive (typically by 50% more), but they will keep you from having to replace them as frequently.How come I have to change my BMW brake disc already?Many new cars need complete brake overhaul after two years, when I first heard of this it surprised me as well. I think it has to do with the cars sitting on lot for long time and actually starting to rust and detoriate just sitting there. You would never think to pop off the tires and check out brakes before buying on a new car, but maybe you should.How come I have to change my BMW brake disc already?BMWs are heavier,tires are wider,wheels larger and speeds greater which puts stress on the braking system.Brake repair produces the greatest profits and people do not resist because it is a safety issue.Air conditioning in Florida is a must so people bend over and accept the price for repairs.You could do the work yourself if you were the ultimate repairing machine,if mechanics make $50 an hour then every hour you spend under the hood is a pay raise.Get rid of those projector headlights before damage is done to your chassis and the loot fenced on eBay.How come I have to change my BMW brake disc already?if the pads wernt grinding and there was not plusating of the brake petel or shaking the rotor its fine. normaly when u have your brake pads replaced they want to replace ur rotors.
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  • When is a good time to change your tires? i have about 35,000 miles on my car? and how about your brakes?

    Check your tread by taking a penny and pointing the top of Abe's head into the tread. If the top of his head goes into the tread the tire still has safe wear left on it. If you can see the top of his head you don't have enough tread to addequately grip, especially in wet conditions. I like to replace them before that point as our roads are curvy and mountainous so it is easy to hydroplane if the road is wet. Lastly, most of the more expensive tires have marks made into the tread that look like little holes or slits. When the tread wears down to where these aren't noticable anymore, it's time to get new ones. Hope this helps....When is a good time to change your tires? i have about 35,000 miles on my car? and how about your brakes?Well, my mechanic checks my brakes every 6 months. Usually a lot of places do free brakes inspections. They'll tell you ahead when you need to change your brakes and tires. Another thing you can do to see when its a good time to change your tires is, put a penny between the treads of the tires, putting lincoln head upside down. If you see Lincoln's head, you're tires are worn. Get some new tires.When is a good time to change your tires? i have about 35,000 miles on my car? and how about your brakes?when the tires get low enough to change .they have what is called a wear indicator in the middle of the tread when the tread and the indicator are even then its time to change your tires.usually the front brakes go well before the rears when you hear a chalkboard scratching sound when you hit the brakes then its time to change them. but at 35,000 i doubt that either is due for changing.but how you drive could make for exceptional circumstancesWhen is a good time to change your tires? i have about 35,000 miles on my car? and how about your brakes?easyst way is to take a penny and put it in the treads...if you can see licolns hair its time for new tires, as far as brakes, sqeeking is the first sign other whys 35,000 is a good time to pull tires and take a look at the padsWhen is a good time to change your tires? i have about 35,000 miles on my car? and how about your brakes?Tires when the treads begin to wear down... you can do a visual check. Brakes when you begin to hear the audible warning screech.